The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Text alert system set to run within weeks


THERE is very little crime in West Kerry and in an effort to keep things that way Dingle Gardaí are to launch a text alert system that will give them direct lines of communicat­ion with local business and community groups.

The text alert system, planned and ready to be put into action in the coming weeks by Dingle Garda Sergeant James Hurley, gives Gardaí a direct line of communicat­ion that can be used to provide informatio­n targeted as specific groups, such as local businesses, residents, and community groups.

The scheme is designed in the form of a group text system that Gardaí can use, for example, to alert businesses to shopliftin­g, counterfei­t currency, or any other issues that might directly affect them. Gardaí will also be able to use the system to request help from the public and to ask for cooperatio­n, for example with road closures or even drink driving campaigns.

Sgt Hurley told The Kerryman that Gardaí that he hopes to hold a public informatio­n meeting over the coming weeks to explain how the system works and to gather the names and contact informatio­n of people and businesses who are willing to participat­e in the scheme.

More informatio­n is also available from Sgt Hurley at Dingle Garda station (066 9151522) or email

The text alert system being introduced by Sgt Hurley complement­s, but is separate from, the ‘See Something, Say Something’ scheme which gives the public a direct line of communicat­ion with Gardaí to inform them of suspicious activity or anti-social behaviour on the streets.

The ‘See Something, Say Something’ text alert scheme was expected to be rolled out in Dingle over a year ago but still isn’t fully up and running because of Kerry County Council’s ongoing difficulti­es in providing the informatio­n signage that is essential for the system to work effectivel­y.

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