The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Crisis laid bare as just 537 houses for sale in Kerry


A KERRY Labour Party candidate for the local elections has said government action is needed as a matter of urgency as only 537 houses are listed for sale in Kerry, 45 of which are in his constituen­cy of Corca Dhuibhne.

Mike Kennedy, who works as a real estate agent in Dingle and was recently refused planning by An Bord Pleanála to build a house on family owned land, has said people need urgent interventi­on on housing and that government negligence is fuelling what he calls a ‘catastroph­e’.

Reacting to the latest publicatio­n of the report that confirms the shortage in housing, Mr Kennedy said it shows a record low of under 10,500 homes available for purchase on March 1 in Ireland.

“As Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil continue to implement policies that erode the social contract, they perpetuate the ongoing housing disaster,” he said.

“Our communitie­s in Corca Dhuibhne are suffering due to their failure to address the root causes of the crisis. Lack of affordable housing and the difficulti­es in obtaining planning permission on family lands comes up again and again when I’m knocking on doors in Corca Dhuibhne,” Mr Kennedy added.

He cited the Labour Party’s recent conference, at which a call for urgent measures to address the crisis was raised, including the need for deep retrofitti­ng and revitalisa­tion of 50,000 homes annually, alongside the constructi­on of 50,000 new homes.

“These measures are not merely suggestion­s but imperative steps towards resolving the housing emergency gripping our nation,” he said.

“To suggest that we have turned a corner on housing is a slap in the face to those for whom home ownership remains a distant dream, to those struggling pay check to pay check, and to those forced to seek refuge in emergency accommodat­ion or on our streets.

“The time for empty promises and political gamesmansh­ip is over. The people of Corca Dhuibhne and throughout our nation cannot afford to wait any longer for solutions to the housing crisis.

“Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil must take immediate action to rectify the failures of their policies. We must fight for a sustainabl­e and equitable housing system that works for all.”

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