The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)



Your most important asset going into an exam is a clear and alert mind

Heavy study sessions on the eve of an exam are not a good idea

Eat well during the exams when you’ll need high reserves of energy

Regular aerobic exercise during the exam period induces a feeling of well being

A planned approach to answering leads to success

A well-presented script makes a favourable impression

Number your questions clearly and write neatly and legibly

Leave some blank space at the end of each question in case you wish to revisit it

Read the entire paper before deciding which questions you will answer

Keep your answers concise, accurate and relevant

Be familiar, well in advance, with the logistics of each exam paper

Be careful with a paper which is subdivided into subsection­s

Handle a recent past paper for familiarit­y with its physical appearance and colour

The time spent on a question must be in proportion to the marks for the question

Proper allocation of time will enable you to attempt the required number of questions

Reread the question when you have answered it to ensure you haven’t left out a part

Do not leave the exam centre before the end of the exam

Once an exam is over, spend as little time as possible on a post-mortem

The Leaving Cert (LC) exam takes place from Wednesday 7th June to Friday, 23rd June

The Leaving Cert Applied (LCA) exam is from Wednesday, 7th June to Thursday, 15th June

The Junior Cert exam takes place from Wednesday, 7th June to Wednesday, 21st June

Exam timetables are available on www.examinatio­

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