The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)


- by Carlos O’Connor

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Chatting to someone about your plans and hopes for the future is worthwhile. Who knows, they may even come up with a good idea! Your own imaginatio­n seems to be out of kilter so it is worthwhile listening to others. Delaying accepting a tempting romantic offer could pay off. The right time will come. With your mind very changeable, avoid making any decisions that cannot be changed later on. Your Luck: Encouragem­ent is all around you.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Flowing more freely are both cash and love this week. Sounds good? You are reminded of how wonderful life can be after some pretty upsetting times. Sharing a windfall is foremost in your mind, which is great. Even so, consider how it will affect others and set a plan. Steer clear of legal or difficult matters this week. The outcome may be better at a later date. Your Luck: A gift may be more welcome than straight cash, which can appear crude.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Working on sprucing up your home gives you the bounce of spring. Instead of running here and there, why not invite some friends or neighbours (maybe both) to drop in for a chat and a drink? Romantic meetings come through a mate who you have not seen for some time. Be flexible with both your time and plans this week. Your Luck: People who need your help can be both unpredicta­ble and annoying. Be kind.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Something that you do for others brings an immediate feeling of satisfacti­on. In a week full of nice surprises, it is possible to guide your social life in the right direction. Finding ‘your kind of people’ takes time and effort, but you know it makes sense! Someone who you keep meaning to contact is still waiting. Do your best to make them happy, even if it takes a bit of time. Your Luck: Offers of friendship come from different directions.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

With a changeable mind at the moment, some decisions would be better delayed or avoided. You are not being fickle or difficult. It is just that you may not be aware of all the facts. Show that you are willing to put in extra effort in the future to make someone feel appreciate­d. Keep an eye out for those who say one thing and then do another. Hesitation and body language will give you a clue. Your Luck: Be clever with words.

Aries March 21 – April 20

There is a great opportunit­y this week to get closer to colleagues and friends. Brief contact with neighbours can be built upon. Resist being too influenced by first impression­s as you may catch someone on the hop! Given the chance, someone could be a real friend. You would rather that money matters took a back seat at the moment, but do still make plans for the future. Your Luck: Fun seems more apt at the weekend than being serious.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Something that you do for others brings an immediate feeling of satisfacti­on. In a week full of nice surprises, it is possible to guide your social life in the right direction. Finding ‘your kind of people’ takes time and effort, but you know it makes sense! Someone who you keep meaning to contact is still waiting. Do your best to make them happy, even if it takes a bit of time. Your Luck: Offers of friendship come from different directions.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Spin-offs from work generate some great social moments. Indeed, mixing business with pleasure can really pay dividends. Spend less without being mean. There are some sharks around if you are not aware of the possibilit­ies. Be tolerant, but to a point! Secrets shared should be kept. Tempted as you may be, ‘mum’ is the word! Your Luck: Some social gems make for long-term memories. Got that camera ready?

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Chatting to someone about your plans and hopes for the future is worthwhile. Who knows, they may even come up with a good idea! Your own imaginatio­n seems to be out of kilter so it is worthwhile listening to others. Delaying accepting a tempting romantic offer could pay off. The right time will come. With your mind very changeable, avoid making any decisions that cannot be changed later on. Your Luck: Encouragem­ent is all around you.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Delays at work mean the chance to pursue a creative desire. As you are feeling curious and imaginativ­e your love life could really get a boost! Cash flow is improved midweek when you tackle a project alone, but not for long, so make the most of it. This is a time that sees love blossom for some but don’t worry if things are quiet. There are still opportunit­ies to be had in different places. Your Luck: Are you sometimes too generous with the cash?

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Spin-offs from work generate some great social moments. Indeed, mixing business with pleasure can really pay dividends. Spend less without being mean. There are some sharks around if you are not aware of the possibilit­ies. Be tolerant, but to a point! Secrets shared should be kept. Tempted as you may be, ‘mum’ is the word! Your Luck: Some social gems make for long-term memories. Got that camera ready?

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Many small moves can bring about great changes even though you may need to go in a different direction. Don’t be in too much of a hurry. There is fun to be had along the way! It could be easy to be annoyed at the weekend when you hear a rumour. Should you be taking it seriously anyway? Probably not. Your Luck: When dreams inspire you it is possible to shimmer with success.

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