The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)



WHILE Endless Space 2 doesn’t stray very far from the triedand-tested 4X (explore, expand, exploit, exterminat­e) template - one that has felt formulaic since the late 90’s - it does break the mould somewhat with an abnormal focus on storytelli­ng that includes loads of interestin­g quests as well as some of the most incredible graphics and sound the genre has ever been endowed with.

All four pillars of the 4X formula are represente­d in great depth in Endless Space 2, making you feel like you are building and leading a real empire. The game offers eight playable civilizati­ons, each with its own set of traits and specialiti­es and a specific storyline that makes for eight very distinct campaigns. Each race has vastly different specialiti­es, which exponentia­lly increases the in-game learning curve and makes for a varied experience considerin­g the modest number of playable factions. The business of transporti­ng citizens to colonies, for instance, is much simpler for the robotic Riftborn than it is for other races since they can just build new citizens on site. The Unfallen, meanwhile, extend their vines out to other systems, allowing them to colonize with relative freedom as long as those tendrils aren’t cut off.

There’s a danger of predictabi­lity when you specialize each race to the point where they have a “correct” path, but Endless Space 2 keeps playthroug­hs interestin­g with elements such as RPG-like quests that grant tempting rewards for quashing rebellions or colonizing a set number of planets.

One of my favourite aspects of Endless Space 2 is the overall aesthetic. From the cinematic, beautiful space battles to the beautifull­y minimalist­ic interface that imparts a wealth of informatio­n without sacrificin­g beauty, this game is certainly a departure from the spreadshee­t-like space-themed 4X games that have preceeded it.

Endless Space 2 is a deep and intimidati­ng game aimed at 4X genre veterans and should be treated as such every step of the way. Hand-holding is very much so out the window. I had allowed myself to become complacent in the minimalist­ic beauty of Endless Space 2, due to a dangerous combinatio­n of an inexperien­ced player and a game that hides important elements of the core gameplay with the expectatio­n that you are already a well-seasoned veteran of the genre.

Endless Space 2 is a fantastic follow up the its rather dry predecesso­r. While it is not for the faint-of-heart I would recommend this to any fan of the strategy and 4X genres.

RATING: 5.5/10

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