The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)


- by Carlos O’Connor

Virgo August 24 – September 23

You really do have to lighten up and have some enjoyable times. I know that life has been very serious for a time and will be in the future. That means that this little oasis of calm should be given all of your attention. Swapping ideas for the future with others keeps your brain active and imaginativ­e. Some very bright ideas come from that area quite regularly, agree? Your Luck: Someone who makes you feel light and free is the one to graduate toward this week.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Now and again an empty feeling could invade your emotions. This is a natural reaction to the recent past and will fade with time. Given the chance, midweek, to try something new but not very exciting? Give it a chance. This time it could be just what you need to turn emotions in a new direction. Let go of any feelings of apprehensi­on. It’s important now to look forward. Your Luck: Smiling and enjoying nature go together. Keep that smile going through the week!

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Being on the right track is only half the battle at the moment. Check and double-check that things are going in the right direction. Not that anyone is out to trip you up, quite the reverse. There are so many (seemingly) important distractio­ns that you can end up turning this way and that. Concentrat­e on your goal and keep loved ones in the loop if you want their support. Your Luck: Keeping a clear mind does not mean you cannot relax more. Indeed, it is essential.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Too much going on? If you really cannot take a break this week then at least find time to relax. It is amazing what a sit down, cup of something and a chat will do for your nerves! We are all a bit jangled but it does not mean that we have to be on high alert all the time. Be kind to yourself and have a few treats. Also be gentle with those who you feel do not come up to standard. Your Luck: You can be quite demanding at times but give others the benefit of the doubt midweek.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Getting back to what is a more normal pattern for you? It takes time to adjust in some areas. There comes, however, the chance to indulge in something rather fanciful and luxurious. It is in such moments you find your old confidence and good feelings. Who would deny you something for yourself at last? Pass on that smile to others whenever you find it. Your Luck: Bringing happiness to others, even in a small way, is a feel-good factor this week. Keep it up.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Getting together with like-minded people can really see your plans shoot ahead this week. Progress is all about mutual support even if it has to be from a distance. Your personal feelings of comfort arrive from an unexpected place. Maybe someone new to you is going out of their way to be helpful? Good friends are worth their weight... Your Luck: A slower pace of progress means there’s time to work out the best way to do things. Sometimes a fresh approach is best.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

All sorts of delays seem likely. Even though these are small, they are still irritating. Gather your patience and tie up any loose ends, for that is what they are. It is good that the movement is forward and, indeed, upward. That in itself gives a hint of exciting possibilit­ies ahead. Is it time to rekindle a romance that has been neglected? It may not be easy but there is much to lose in this friendship. Your Luck: Seeing the best in everyone is a good exercise to give your mind.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

A lot of energy and a restless spirit can make you feel rather ‘edgy’. Get stuck into something mundane and even boring. It will help to clear your mind and burn some of those extra beans. Indeed, your energy can be used to finish off the help you have been giving someone. You need some closure on the last few months and this could be your chance. Keep any good friends made. Your Luck: Avoid over-thinking anything. Take things to their simplest form.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Being aware that so much has changed around you is one thing. Do you, however, realise how much you have changed inside? In your approach to life? Think on this and pick out the habits and routines that will carry forward into the future. No doubt there will be good and bad. Picking the good and sticking to them is one of the few bonuses of this whole disruptive period. Your Luck: Being choosy is a good thing when you have waited a long time for progress.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Thinking before you utter is advised this week. There are certain people and situations who seem irritating. Jangled nerves don’t help but realise that you are not alone in this. This week is all about rebuilding some of your confidence that may have been a little battered. Moments of calm can save you from headaches and tension. Who will bring this calm to you? Your Luck: Look over your shoulder and see someone who is an oasis of calm. Relax, please!

Aries March 21 – April 20

You seem to have been going at full speed for some time now and may be wishing that there was not so much going on. The world around you will slow again soon so get as much done as you are able. A small blip in your romantic life is most likely due to lack of attention to social matters. If this can be fixed easily it will be well worth the peace that ensues. Your Luck: Keeping a cheerful atmosphere around you means more easy times for you and yours.

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