The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Killarney to host training as it aims to become an autism friendly town


KILLARNEY is renowned for going that one step further and its latest plans are to make the town an autism friendly town with the backing of over 30 businesses, public sector and charity organisati­ons in the town. The initiative is being led by a voluntary committee and supported by AsIAm, Ireland’s national autism charity.

As part of the initiative, businesses and organisati­ons that get involved, known as ‘champions’, will take measures to provide an environmen­t that considers the needs of local residents and visitors with autism. The overall goal is to ensure autistic individual­s have full access to goods and services in Killarney, and that their lived experience is one of support and inclusion across all aspects of daily life.

The Killarney Autism Friendly Committee has already piloted an autism friendly area at the Christmas in Killarney parades late last year, kick-starting a 3-year journey that will include training for champion organisati­ons, autism-friendly events and awareness campaigns to educate the wider public about autism acceptance and accessibil­ity. The first training event for staff and volunteers working with autism-friendly champions will take place on March 5.

This autism training delivered by Ireland’s national autism charity AsIAm, is free and open to anyone with an interest in autism or making their organisati­on more autism-friendly. There will be two sessions available from 10am – 12pm or 2pm – 4pm.

“We started working on this initiative last year and the support we have received so far has been fantastic” said Kevin Leahy, Chairman, Killarney Autism Friendly Committee.

“The next phase will be very exciting as the champion businesses and organisati­ons make changes to become more autism-friendly, and we look forward to supporting them on that journey”

If you are interested in registerin­g for the training or registerin­g your staff you can do so by emailing autismfrie­ndlykillar­

 ?? Photo by Valerie O’Sullivan. ?? Safe space...Éabla Clifford, with ‘Zazu’ autism therapy support dog from Fossa National School, supporting a new initiative aimed at making Killarney autism-friendly has been launched with the backing of over 30 businesses, public sector and charity organisati­ons in the town.
Photo by Valerie O’Sullivan. Safe space...Éabla Clifford, with ‘Zazu’ autism therapy support dog from Fossa National School, supporting a new initiative aimed at making Killarney autism-friendly has been launched with the backing of over 30 businesses, public sector and charity organisati­ons in the town.

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