The Sligo Champion

Pub Quiz


1. Which German artist pioneered the artistic technique of frottage?

A. Max Ernst, B. Amédée Ozenfant, C. Peter Rubens, D. Gustav Klimt.

2. What sort of creature is a cassowary? A. A rodent, B. A bird, C. A lizard,

D. A fish.

3. Which branch of dentistry is concerned with the correction of badly positioned teeth?

A. Orthodonti­cs, B. Etherdonti­cs, C. Utherdenti­sts, D. Othodentis­t.

4. Which town is the presumed birthplace of Jesus Christ?

A. Bethlehem, B. Jerusalem, C. Tel Aviv, D. Haifa.

5. What sort of creature is a weever?

A. A rodent, B. A bird, C. A fish,

D. An insect.

6. In which Middle East country is the Qattara Depression situated?

A. Israel, B. Iran, C. Iraq, D. Egypt.

7. Who was director of the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion from 1924 to 1972?

A. J Frederick Thomas, B. J Edgar Hoover, C. J William Booth, D. J Edward Harold. 8. Which German composer was the sonin-law of Franz Liszt?

A. Johann Bach, B. Richard Wagner, C. Edvard Grieg, D. Heinrich Schutz.

SOLUTIONS TO LAST WEEK’S PUB QUIZ: 1. D; 2. B; 3. B; 4. C; 5. C; 6. A; 7. D; 8. B.

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