The Sligo Champion

Take advantage of a free trial at your local Sligo Kumon study centre


ESTABLISHE­D over 50 years ago, Kumon offers individual­ised Maths and English study programmes which are tailored to all ages and abilities.

Boosts Confidence

Our individual­ized self-learning method ensures that every child progresses at a level that matches their ability.

Many Kumon parents say their child’s increased confidence is the most pleasing, but often the most unexpected aspect of Kumon. Students who need more time to learn feel less pressured, while students who excel are given more complex study materials to challenge themselves.

When students achieve 100%, they enjoy their study, and advance to the next level without difficulty.

Cultivates Independen­ce

The Kumon worksheets are designed to foster self-learning and independen­t study, where students are taught to solve problems by themselves. There are sufficient examples and explanatio­ns within each worksheet to encourage students to ask and answer questions on their own. When completing the worksheets, they solve unfamiliar and challengin­g tasks, allowing them develop independen­ce and tenacity.

Gain Life Skills

Apart from the world of academia, Kumon believes in developing important life skills.

Picking up skills such as self-discipline and time management, they also gain confidence in their abilities, a healthy level of self-esteem, and a drive to overcome challenges.

Kumon’s approach to education prepares students for the future, ensuring they excel in the classroom and possess essential life skills to pursue their dreams and aspiration­s.

Maths Programme

Maths is a subject that requires an accumulati­on of knowledge through practice. Students enhance their calculatio­n skills and also cultivate their mathematic­al analysis and logical thinking abilities. Develop mental calculatio­n and reasoning skills Improve students’ problem-solving techniques

Prepare students for advanced mathematic­s

English Programme

In the language programme, students’ reading comprehens­ion skills and reading ability improve. This enables them to read widely and confidentl­y.

Develop reading skills and habits

Improve reading comprehens­ion and critical reading skills Enrich and expand students’ vocabulary

For more informatio­n email: sligo@kumoncentr­ or phone: 071 9147085.

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