The Sligo Champion

INHFA calls for new approach on forestry


THE Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Associatio­n (INHFA) have outlined the need to find solutions to the Government­s outdated model of forestry at meetings held in Brussels and with Minister Andrew Doyle.

Forestry and Climate Change Spokespers­on Gerry Loftus stated how “at these meetings we have raised the problems associated with the current approach of industrial plantation­s of predominan­tly fast growing non-native conifers for farmers, rural communitie­s and the environmen­t. In doing so we have also outlined solutions around sustainabl­e afforestat­ion which has the potential to contribute substantia­lly to a future for family farms and communitie­s, climate change, habitats and biodiversi­ty, the environmen­t and the rural economy.”

The model currently in place added Loftus “has opened doors to big business and speculator­s. They remain anonymous availing of grants and premiums but as they aren’t part of the local economy –local communitie­s and farm families suffer. In raising these issues the INHFA has called for responsibl­e land-based investment practices and a change of approach which will focus on the following:

· Transparen­cy around forestry investment by making all relevant informatio­n available to the public except when subject to legitimate business confidenti­ality. · Zero tolerance of corruption. · Practices which inherently mitigate the risks for all.

· Practices which increase benefits for local people and communitie­s including creating direct and indirect revenue generating opportunit­ies for local communitie­s.

· Practices which are environmen- tally sustainabl­e and ensure the sustainabl­e use of natural resources.”

In 2008 continued Loftus “our economy crashed and at the time our Government said they never saw it coming, but the consequenc­es of that crash continues to this day through higher taxes and reduced services. If our current forestry policy does not change we will face similar consequenc­es both environmen­tally and economical­ly as we fail to meet our climate change obligation­s.”

He concluded by stating how “we all have a responsibi­lity to ensure this policy is changed and until such time as this happens we will continue our campaign to protect the taxpayer, the environmen­t, rural families and communitie­s by seeking to put in place responsibl­e land-based investment practices.”

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