The Sligo Champion

A passion for collecting stamps


Used postage stamps are becoming fewer and fewer with the introducti­on of email and the creation of electronic stamps but they are still around and indeed are still of value.

Many Charities collect them as sell them on, by the kilo, to Stamp Collecting Companies around the world.

My aged mother (94) has a passion for gathering used stamps, trimming and sorting them and then passing them on to her various charities.

It provides great occupation­al therapy for her and much needed funds for the charities.

If you collect such stamps in the hope that they will be “of some use to someone sometime” now is your chance.

Please send your used stamps to my mother at the address given here: Brigid McCarrick, Cloonbanif­f, Lavagh, Co. Sligo.

Yours faithfully,

Pat McCarrick. Cloonacool

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