The Sligo Champion

No senior minister


Dear Sir,

New in-coming Taoiseach Simon Harris said in his maiden speech to the Dail last week, that he ‘ ’would work hard every day to improve the lives of all’’.

He further stated that he must now tackle, with ‘ ’energy’’ and “empathy’’ the many daunting tasks needed to establish trust and connection with all the people of Ireland.

He then went on to name his new senior cabinet ministers. Suffice to say there was huge disappoint­ment in the West, when once again we were left without a senior Government Minister at the cabinet table.

The unfortunat­e words of Oliver Cromwell “to hell or to Connacht’’ quickly spring to mind.

How will this non-move improve the lives of the people of the western province referred to as a “lagging Region’’ by the EU, needing much support in developing critical infrasturc­ture in transport, health, housing, inward investment and job creation etc?

In order to balance the country with the over-expansion along the eastern seaboard especially as Mr. Harris referenced supporting rural Ireland and regional developmen­t among his many goals as the new leader of the Irish people.

Not having a senior government minister from the western province with their feet firmily planted under the cabinet table, fighting for equality for Connacht does not bode well for the stated aim of balanced regional developmen­t going forward.

Disappoint­ment will slowly turn to anger and resentment in the coming weeks and months, as the western region once again finds itself dangling on the ‘ hind tit’.

While the goodies are being dished out to the rest of the regions with a much bigger clout - at the cabinet table.

Yours Faithfully,

Tom Towey, Cloonacool, Co. Sligo.

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