Totally Dublin

A Winged Victory for the Sullen


A Winged Victory for the Sullen is ambient output of Dustin O’Halloran and Adam Wiltzie. O’Halloran has created countless scores for ƓOP DQG 79 PRVW QRWDEO\ 7UDQVSDUHQ­W and

*RGōV 2ZQ &RXQWU\ Wiltzie is a founder of RWKHU QRWHG DPELHQW RXWƓW 6WDUV RI WKH /LG and has collaborat­ed with the late Jóhann Jóhannsson on his scores for WKH 7KHRU\ RI

(YHU\WKLQJ and $UULYDO, as well as working with O’Halloran on /LRQ 7KH 8QGLYLGHG )LYH is their ƓIWK UHOHDVH DQG VKLPPHUV DQG VZHOOV LQ LWV symphonic grandeur. It’s a melodic palette as speckled as the sky is with stars.

National Concert Hall, Tuesday March 3, €27.50-€34

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