Totally Dublin

Miena’s Handmade Nougat


Miena’s Handmade Nougat is just divine and melts in the mouth.Their exquisite Irish made Nougat is made in County Wicklow in the Glen of Imaal. Crafted for Dunnes Stores REXMSR[MHI ]SY´PP ½RH 1MIRE´W EW TEVX SJ XLIMV ³7MQTP] &IXXIV´ collection. Hand-made in small batches, their wonderful selection includes 3 delicious varieties: Award Winning Almond & Fig, Award Winning Almond & Pistachio and their NEW 'SGSRYX 6EWTFIVV] 3VERKI EPP MRHMZMHYEP­P] [VETTIH JSV ]SY XS IRNS] ERH WLEVI %PP LIV TVSHYGXW EVI GSIPMEG JVMIRHP] 2S[ TVSHYGMRK JSV ,EVVSHW 'LIGO SYX 1MIRE´W [IFWMXI JSV E JYPP PMWX SJ SYXPIXW XLEX WXSGO 1MIRE´W SV FY] SRPMRI

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