Wexford People

Man used hatchet to rob two bookie shops



A 33-YEAR- OLD Enniscorth­y man who brandished a hatchet during robberies at bookies offices in Wexford is to be sentenced in the Circuit Court today (Tuesday).

Joseph O’Leary, of 29 Father Murphy Park, last week pleaded guilty to the robberies and also to the theft of a purse from a 65-year-old woman in the grounds of Bride Street Church.

The court that day heard from Garda Grace Fitzpatric­k that O’Leary approached the woman in the church grounds as she was getting into her car on May 5 last year. He shouted ‘your purse, your purse’, and pulled her away from her car. He took the purse, which contained approximat­ely €300 and some cards. None of the property was ever recovered.

Garda Fitzpatric­k also outlined a robbery at Harcourt Bookmakers on June 1 last year. As Ms Betty O’Donovan opened the premises, O’Leary approached her, produced a hatchet, and demanded money. She gave him a bunch of notes but he demanded more and ened up making away with €1,520. O’Leary was wearing a balaclava at the time, she added.

Another robbery occurred at Boyle Bookmakers the following month. O’Leary entered the premises at about 11 a.m. on July 20, while wearing dark coat with the hood pulled up over a baseball cap. He again used a hatchet while demanding money, and made off with a sum of cash.

A car that was seen driving away from the premises was tracked down to the address of its registered owner, and O’Leary was brought to Wexford Garda Station, where he admitted the offences.

Garda Fitzpatric­k told the court that O’Leary was living in Wexford with his girlfriend at the time of the offences, and that none of the money was ever recovered. She added that during the course of the investigat­ion, the defendant said he likes to gamble. The court further heard that O’Leary has previous conviction­s for robbery and attempted robbery, and has had suspended sentences imposed in the past.

Two representa­tives of Gamblers Anonymous gave statements to the court relating to how gambling problems cause many difficulti­es for people. O’Leary himself said it was ‘disgracefu­l’ what he had put people through because of his addiction. He said he suffered from depression for a number of years, and was also suffering from side effects of medication at the time the offences occured.

He added that he has now saved €1,890 as part compensati­on for the money he stole.

His barrister, Ms Catherine Murphy, told how O’Leary was hospitalis­ed for a week’s psychiatri­c care after the robberies. He was ‘entirely co-operative’ with the garda investigat­ion and apologises for what he did.

Judge Barry Hickson said he would adjourn sentencing until today ( Tuesday).

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