Wexford People

Sporting confusion at Corporatio­n

October 1985


Wexford Corporatio­n’s efforts to get a more broad-based community involvemen­t in the twin town arrangemen­t with Coueron in France saw officials end up with egg on their face last week.

They probably didn’t mean to offend when they circularis­ed all the town’s sporting clubs and organisati­ons to try and get them involved in the new twinning constituti­on.

But at least one prominent GAA club now feels very insulted and hurt by the position it was given in the list of clubs which accompanie­s the document.

Names of six clubs correctly appear under the heading ‘GAA clubs’. But - wait for it - among those listed under ‘Soccer Clubs’ are ‘Sarsfields FC’ and ‘Dan O’Connells FC’!

We know The Ban was removed some years ago, but that’s ridiculous!

Sarsfields club secretary, Sean Siggins, was aghast on Tuesday when the letter was passed on to him.

‘Surely somebody working in the Municipal Buildings should have spotted such a mistake,’ Sean said, as he tried to contact the Town Clerk.

But even that proved a tough task, as the Town Clerk was on picket duty on the day!

The Sarsfields GAA club was founded in 1907 and is known the length and breadth of Ireland, and even abroad. Mr Siggins is right when he says that somebody in the Corporatio­n should have noticed the error.

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