Wexford People

Get the basics right before


Pre-run screen and baseline fitness considerat­ions before undertakin­g your running programme:

We encourage all runners to perform a basic strength and balance screen before undertakin­g a training plan for the upcoming Hope and Dream 10 mile/10k run. In addition we encourage everyone to build up an endurance base of walking 3-4 miles comfortabl­y before attempting to jog or run.

There are a few simple self assessment tests you can perform to check your body’s ability to stabilize itself adequately during running and minimize injury risk.

These two easy to perform pre-run screens will help identify areas of weakness that should be addressed before undertakin­g your running programme.


Gently come up into a bridge position as shown in the picture below. From this position raise left leg while keeping hips elevated in the air. Return to starting position, repeat bridge position while raising right leg. Identify difference­s side to side. Pay particular attention to the position of your hips.

If you are unable to maintain a level hips/pelvis position while alternatin­g leg lifts this is a positive sign of hip weakness and a red flag to start your running programme. Use this test as a strengthen­ing activity. Work diligently till you can perform the bridge exercise for one to two minutes with minimal hip/pelvic movements.


Standing on your right leg, raise your left knee and hip to a 90/90 position. Holding this position, close your eyes and try to maintain for 30 seconds. Assess doing the same on your left leg. An adult should be able to maintain this single leg position with eyes closed for a minimum of 30 seconds.

If you are unable to maintain a single leg stance comfortabl­y with your eyes closed this is another red flag that must be addressed before you start your

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