Wexford People

Keep in touch with the older members of our community


IN THE aftermath of Covid, we all begin to spend more time at home, more time in the warmth and comfort of our living-rooms. We should remember however that all times of the year can be incredibly difficult for the older members of our community. It can be lonely for those living alone and those who can’t get about like they used to.

With Covid still a threat and the winter flu season still in flow, there is even more to fear for those most at risk. To combat that, we can all do a few things to make everyone’s lives better.

By simply reaching out to those in your community you can help improve the wellbeing of the older people in our society. Whether that means calling into your neighbour to see if they need any jobs doing in the house, ringing your neighbour for a chat, or doing some grocery shopping for a family friend, all these simple gestures can make a huge difference. You may feel reluctant to intrude on someone’s life or fear that you will injure their pride, we all need that human connection in some way, shape or form.

Because although the practical things will ensure the health and safety of the elderly, making sure they have enough heat and food on a daily basis, that human contact is equally as important. So many of us were forced to spend extended periods of time alone during the pandemic and it offered us a glimpse into a life which can often be the reality for elderly people who live alone.

Furthermor­e, whereas many of us can rely on technology to keep in touch with loved ones, this option isn’t available to our older friends, whether because of poor connectivi­ty or lack of computer skills.

To combat this we can do what the people of Ireland used to do for years on end, simply call in for a chat. Given the fears we all continue to live with it is advisable that you ring ahead and don’t simply turn up on someone’s doorstep. But by taking an hour or two of your week to visit someone who lives alone you can provide a source of comfort and solace which may prove more valuable than you may ever know.

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