Wexford People

How to improve memory and recall for exam success

- WITH CLAIR WHITTY Clair Whitty is a Bach Flower Practition­er, a Nutritiona­l Health Coach at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main St, Wexford 053 9121613 | clair@naturalhea­lthstore.ie | www.naturalhea­lthstore.ie

ARE you finding it difficult to remember what you are learning? There are several reasons why this might be happening, including an inadequate diet, sleep deprivatio­n, stress, anxiety, lack of energy or fatigue.

Top foods to support the grey matter would be omega oils, B vitamins, iron, protein, and antioxidan­ts. These nutrients will be found in a balanced diet. That would include nuts, especially walnuts, seeds such as sunflower, chia, linseeds, and pumpkin, oily fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon, dark green leafy vegetables and red meat. Protein powders, such as hemp, pea, or rice, bee pollen, spirulina, and wheatgrass are good additions to top up on these nutrients. There has been some research on blueberrie­s as a positive food to support cognitive function and a source of antioxidan­ts. Water is crucial and often forgotten about.

Revive Active Mastermind is a super supplement, and one of my favourites to support cognitive function, brain function, mental performanc­e, and the nervous system. It is an ideal option support concentrat­ion and focus. It contains DHA, choline, zinc, B5 and B12 - nutrients that are required for brain function. I like that you simply need to take one sachet 3 times a week from now until the end of the exams. Over the years I have met many happy customers have said they found it brilliant.

If you are not eating oily fish at least three times a week you could top up with an omega oil supplement like Eskimo Omega-3. Omega oils are important as the brain contains more than 100 billion cells working together to process informatio­n, form memories, and aid recall. Amazing isn’t it! In fact, our brain is made up of about 60% fat. This is why we need to include fats in our diets, to keep the brain functionin­g well. With Eskimo Omega 3 Brain 3 6 9, you simply need one teaspoon or 2-4 capsules per day to nourish your brain.

If you are feeling fatigued or if you are not a red meat eater then you might benefit from Floradix Liquid Iron. It will help give you and your brain a boost.

I hope that these tips will help improve retention and recall of informatio­n, especially for those sitting exams this summer.

Naturally Healthy

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