Wexford People

Do hangovers get worse as we get older? Two days after my night out and I’m still shook

- Justine O’Mahony

I’ VE said it countless times over the years, increasing­ly so as I get older but I’m just not able to drink anymore. The problem isn’t the actual act of drinking, I’m well able to do that – it’s the recovery period afterwards. One night out requires a three day block of bedrest, a six pack of Lucozade and a box of paracetamo­l. You can’t even get solpadeine anymore to ease the pain so I’ve been asking myself the very serious question – is it worth it?

I’m not even talking about nights out on the town till the early hours of the morning. God no – those days are well and truly gone. I’m talking Cinderella hours now–out by 7.30pm and home by midnight at the latest, otherwise I turn into the ugly sister and it ain’t pretty.

Case in point – last weekend we went out for something to eat. Two drinks before the meal, a shared bottle of wine and two drinks after. Home by 11.50 pm. All very respectabl­e. Until I woke up with a tongue as dry as a camel’s a*** and a jackhammer going off in my head. The only time I can’t talk is when I have a hangover. “Go away, I need sleep,” I muttered to various family members.

I eventually got up around midday but was not fit for purpose. I was asked to get a charger from the bedroom and got back into bed for two hours. A neighbour called in to see me and was told “she’s asleep” at 3pm. Oh the mortificat­ion! I finally got up around 6 pm and cobbled together ingredient­s for dinner. Even by my standards it was revolting. I conceded defeat and was back in bed by 7.30 pm.

So do hangovers get worse as we get older? Apparently so. What was once described as the morning after the night before has become three days after the night before for me anyway. They say know your limit but the problem is when you’re under the influence your judgement is skewed.

And according to Doctor Google, changes in your metabolism as you get older, contribute­s to worsening hangovers, Your liver becomes less effective at breaking down the alcohol which means that alcohol remains in the system longer. Also as we age we can develop increased sensitivit­y towards alcohol due to changes in body compositio­n.

So there you are – If you are of a certain age it’s all down hill from now on! Either we learn to drink responsibl­y, which means two Guinness max for me or we must suffer torturous three day hangovers. I don’t think I have it in me. Two days after my night out and I’m still shook.

Someone said to me the other day, “you’ ll never get sense!” I really hope they’re wrong.

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