Wicklow People

Registrati­on is now open for the 2019 PURE Mile Awards


FOLLOWING the success of the 2018 PURE Mile Competitio­n which saw an unpreceden­ted number of miles adapted, registrati­on has now opened for the 2019 competitio­n.

The Pure Project are looking for groups, communitie­s, individual­s, schools, walking groups, cycling groups, scouts, businesses and everyone who is passionate about preserving your community’s natural setting or keeping the Wicklow/ Dublin uplands in the pristine condition they deserve to be found in.

The Pure Mile is an environmen­tal initiative of The Pure (Protecting Uplands and Rural Environmen­ts) Project which aims to foster a greater appreciati­on and awareness of our country roadscapes by rewarding and acknowledg­ing local community efforts. You can adopt a mile, or miles, of road in your own area or a location in the Wicklow/Dublin uplands and play a crucial role in the ‘Clean-up The Uplands’ initiative. This year over 1,000 volunteers collective­ly improved and enhanced over 220 miles of road, forestries, woodlands, upland amenities, valleys, mountains, and beaches, with the removal of tonnes of illegal dumping and litter. You can register online at www.pureprojec­t.ie/the-pure-mile/ pure-mile-applicatio­n-form.

 ??  ?? The Pure Mile competitio­n continues to grow in popularity.
The Pure Mile competitio­n continues to grow in popularity.

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