Wicklow People

St Vincent de Paul thank the public


A Chara,

Now that normality has more or less returned to our world after the frenzied activity of Christmas, I would like to take the opportunit­y to express the heartfelt thanks of the members of the local conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for the constant generosity of the people of the town and the surroundin­g area in supporting our fund raising efforts, not only before Christmas but also throughout the year.

Our street collection­s over three days in early December and our equally important fund raising at SuperValu could not take place without the support of so many volunteers who brave the elements to assist us in our work of helping those in less fortunate circumstan­ces.

We are especially grateful to the management team in Supervalu who have always given us the facility to collect there over many years. We realise that the closure of Vincent’s shop is a loss felt by many in the town and we sincerely hope that this will be a temporary situation.

Despite that, we as a local conference are still active every week of the year doing our best to alleviate hardship and we depend totally on the generosity and goodness that abounds in the town. We can still be contacted via the De La Salle Pastoral Centre, thanks to the kindness of Fr. Donal, even though Ozanam House on the Lower Mall no longer belongs to the Society.

Is Mise le meas, Denis McWatt, President of St Patrick’s Conference, Wicklow town

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