Wicklow People



SHEEP SALES - MAY 19: A similar sale to last week, with fat ewes a little easier. No real change in trade for the other class within the sale.

Spring lambs €118 to €134 or €80 to €90; Fat Hoggets €118 to €130 or €70 to €82; Fat ewes €120 to €130; store ewes €60 to €115 ewes with lambs at foot €140 to €230.

CATTLE SALES - MAY 21: Increased number of cattle on offer at the sale today, with all classes up by €20 - €30 per head on last week.

Beef bullocks over 600kg, €550 to €750 forward store bullocks over 500kg, €450 to €680; store bullock over 400kg, €420 to €570; store bullock over 300kg, €480 to €620; Beef heifers over 500kg, €550 to €675; store heifers over 400kg, €420 to €560 over €/kg.

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