The Jerusalem Post - The Jerusalem Post Magazine



Further to the timely and thought-provoking “The imitation game” (In Plain Language, September 1), may I add yet another symbol of imitation Judaism that Rabbi Stewart Weiss so aptly describes.

I refer to the yellow Star of David currently adorning many of the so-called cult fashion figures. It is donned by iconic performers such as Billy Joel, born of Jewish parents but not brought up in the faith.

I quote from his write-up: “Billy Joel wore a yellow Star of David on his sports jacket during the encore of his monthly concert at Madison Square Garden. Photos of the legendary singer wearing the star began appearing on Facebook shortly after his performanc­e Monday night, August 21. At least one tweet called Joel ‘a true hero,’ and his decision to wear the star ‘epic and brave.’”

We must put a stop to this horrific practice of demeaning the memory of Holocaust victims who were forced to wear this symbol that degraded Judaism. We must protest that this is not bravery, but blustering audacity for which only a monetary fine should result. The Knesset can create a move to nip this practice in the bud before it becomes part of yet another attempt at outrageous Holocaust normalizat­ion.

Rabbi Weiss is so right when he comments ironically: “Imitation, so they say, is the highest form of flattery.”



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