The Jerusalem Post - The Jerusalem Post Magazine




1 Avoid women after scheme losing millions in error (6) 5 Lives with mother – getting cleaner at first offers appeal (8) 9 Reward thoughtful­ness (13) 10 Threatenin­g, as most of wine is rejected (8) 11 Watch tool move to and fro (6) 12 The first person doing swirls in colour (6) 14 Announced theologian to cover English and Irish county (8) 16 Daily constructi­on for the millennium anticipati­ng endless criticism (8) 19 Lower profit by being linked with that woman (6) 21 16 turning in during dinner, for example (6) 23 Dry humour and energy in crowd (8) 25 Revolution­ary Iran, or ancient religious belief (13) 26 The king worried before Germany is given an honour (8) 27 If touched, this may sting or irritate (6)


2 Part of orchestra once it’s formed (7) 3 Language used by Spanish Indians (5) 4 Hesitate to be seen around Ascot clumsily wearing this (9) 5 Got over being freed of blame (7) 6 Accumulate a source of material when head of state (5) 7 I can rave, touring East as traveller (9) 8 Authority one’s given crew on engagement? (7) 13 Confess, supporting number one and making a list (9) 15 Restrict arguments against rail transport (9) 17 Go too far in possibly maiden race? (7) 18 Say scaredy-cat shrank back (7) 20 Unchanging scene latterly with seabird on a lake (7) 22 Permitted army officer to shelter here in France (5) 24 Live way out across end of suburbs (5)

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