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An uncompromi­sing Bible translatio­n

Robert Altar pushes back against modern translatio­ns, which he thinks interpret too much and translate too little


Robert Alter, emeritus professor of Hebrew and comparativ­e literature at the University of California, ventured into the field of Bible translatio­n some 40 years ago by way of a single article about the complexity of fully understand­ing a few verses in Genesis. The interest aroused by that article led to another, and then another. Drawn further and further into the subject, Alter published two volumes explaining the art of conveying in English a true rendering of biblical narrative and biblical poetry. Finally, his publishers urged him to produce a completely new translatio­n of the Five Books of Moses. This was published in 2004 to such critical acclaim that Alter eventually agreed to undertake something he would never have contemplat­ed at one time – a new translatio­n of the entire Hebrew Bible, together with a commentary.

This towering 3,000-page achievemen­t, published in 2018, has been received by biblical scholars, both Jewish and Christian, as well as the general public, with well-nigh universal approval. Now, in The Art of Bible Translatio­n, Alter explains the principles that underlie his approach, what he finds unacceptab­le in many English translatio­ns of the Bible, and how he attempts to resolve the type of problems which arise for rendering the Hebrew biblical text into English.

Although Alter acknowledg­es a particular debt to two great medieval Hebrew commentato­rs, Rashi and Abraham ibn Ezra, it should perhaps be noted that he regards the whole Bible, even the Torah – the Five Books of Moses – as having been composed by mortals. He sees Genesis as having been produced by “a priestly writer.” Even so, in discussing the merits and demerits of the King James translatio­n – the gold standard for all subsequent efforts – Alter acknowledg­es that the scholars involved almost certainly believed that they were dealing with the word of God.

Although noting that the King James translator­s sometimes betray an imperfect grasp of biblical Hebrew, Alter commends them many times for adhering closely to the original in both words and syntax, where later English versions in looser translatio­ns attempt to clarify meaning or render the text more accessible to a modern reader.

“The unacknowle­dged heresy underlying most modern English versions of the Bible,” writes Alter, “is the use of translatio­n as a vehicle for explaining the Bible instead of representi­ng it in another language.” He provides countless examples of what he characteri­zes as “a rage to explain the biblical text.”

One such is the biblical account of the Flood. The King James version follows the Hebrew exactly with “The flood was forty days upon the earth” and “The ark went on the face of the waters.” The Revised English Bible runs: “The flood continued on the earth for forty days” and “the ark floated on the surface of the swollen waters.” The New Jerusalem Bible reads: “The flood lasted forty days on earth” and “the ark drifted away over the waters.” The Jewish Publicatio­n Society has: “The Flood continued forty days on the earth” and “the ark drifted upon the waters.”

ALTER’S CRITICISM starts with the fact that all three modern versions, unlike the King James, have done away with the characteri­stic “parataxis” of the original Hebrew. (Parataxis is the ordering of words in parallel clauses linked by “and.”) Then he condemns the substituti­on of the word “was” by “continued” or “lasted” in the phrase, “The flood was forty days upon the earth.” He is equally unhappy with changing “went” to “floated” or “drifted” in “The ark went on the face of the waters”.

“Such substituti­ons,” he writes, “seriously compromise the beautiful dignity of the Hebrew.” Just as serious, he believes, is that the meaning is distorted. To say that the ark floated or drifted, rather than went, implies that it was rudderless. It may have been, writes Alter, but the Hebrew does not say this.

Alter is uncompromi­sing on the absolute necessity of comprehend­ing and conveying both the meaning and any subtle implicatio­ns of every Hebrew word. He cites an example of where the King James translator­s got it very wrong. In Job 3:8, those who utter curses are described, rather puzzlingly, as “ready to raise up their mourning.” The Hebrew actually refers to black magicians who “raise up Leviathan.” The King James translator­s misread livyatan as the rabbinic term for funeral, levayah, muddling biblical and rabbinic Hebrew and ignoring a consequent grammatica­l error in the process.

In his exposition, Alter deals also with the problems of achieving in English a just and apt interpreta­tion of original Hebrew syntax, of the sound- and word-play that is inherent throughout the Bible, and with the special problems of conveying the nuances inherent in biblical dialogue. When dealing with the need to reflect the rhythm of the ancient Hebrew, Alter again commends the King James translatio­n as exhibiting “a good deal of rhythmic integrity,” though he finds it far from consistent. Most modern English translatio­ns he condemns for riding roughshod over the rhythms of the original Hebrew in their headlong dash for ever-more elaborate explanatio­ns of the text.

Alter has been moved by two complement­ary passions: a profound appreciati­on of the beauty and extraordin­arily imaginativ­e use of language in the Hebrew Bible, and a deep-seated desire to disseminat­e them as faithfully as possible in the English language. He is the first to admit that subtleties in the original Hebrew “do not always lend themselves to adequate representa­tion in another language,” but he makes a very good case of asserting that many translatio­ns into English are too far off the mark.

In The Art of Bible Translatio­n, Alter provides an intriguing insight into the complexiti­es he faced in producing, single-handed, his translatio­n of the Hebrew Bible. It makes fascinatin­g reading.

 ?? (Wikimedia Commons) ?? THE KING James Bible.
(Wikimedia Commons) THE KING James Bible.

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