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Representa­tion of olim in Knesset

Representa­tion of olim in Knesset is vital for Israeli society


Israel is a country largely built by, and made up of, immigrants. One finds olim walking down the golden streets of Jerusalem, working from cafes and on the Tel Aviv beaches – they are an integral part of the fabric of Israeli society and culture. They are often leaders of Israel’s start-ups, businesses and nonprofit organizati­ons, where their language skills and broad perspectiv­es bring innovative thinking and connection­s to internatio­nal audiences. So why are there so few immigrants in Israel’s Knesset? There is MK Yosef Taieb (Shas), who was born in Paris and immigrated to Israel at 17; former MKs Dov Lipman (Yesh Atid) and Yehudah Glick (Likud), who are American-bornand-raised; a few Ethiopian-born MKs, including Penina Tamanu-Shata (Blue and White) and Avraham Neguise (Likud); as well as “perhaps 10 or so” MKs from the Former Soviet Union (FSU). There are also a few MKs who were born in Israel but have had other citizenshi­ps, such as Israeli-Canadian MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh (Blue and White).

Apart from MKs from the FSU, which has its own party headed by Avigdor Lieberman, said Lipman, there are very few MKs who are olim, and perhaps even fewer parliament­ary aides who are olim.

While olim make up a relatively sizable percentage of Israel’s population, they do not comprise an equivalent ratio of representa­tion in the Knesset. If the Knesset were a demographi­c reflection of the population, there should be four or five North American-born MKs.

“There should absolutely be more olim in Israel’s parliament,” said American-born former MK (Kulanu) Dr. Michael Oren. “Olim bring with them a sense of social responsibi­lity and klal Yisrael, with Americans also bringing a centuries-long history of democratic developmen­t.”

They also need to bring a substantia­l amount of stamina. Oren noted, “The first greatest challenge is Hebrew – you need to be able to speak and give a speech on television in Hebrew while people are screaming at you.” And second, he voiced, the “political culture of the Knesset is radically different from that which exists in most English-speaking countries. The yelling is shocking, but even more shocking is the fact that much of this yelling is only for show. It is common to see people having coffee together minutes after screaming bloody murder and calling each other racists, especially when television cameras are present.”

He added, “There is tremendous ignorance about American Jewry within Knesset,” with a lot of the sentiment being that Americans are naïve, unhelpful and “undeservin­g of favors” – something he believes could be mitigated by increased involvemen­t with elected officials.

“There are many opportunit­ies for olim to get involved on multiple levels, not only in the Knesset, but also in NGOs and in civil society, which interacts with elected officials every day,” he emphasized.

Lipman concurred about the potential of olim to contribute to Israeli society by serving in Israel’s legislativ­e body. “We come with a passion for tzionut, with a freshness about the State of Israel and what it could be, and we add a tremendous amount just from that alone. In addition, because we come from other cultures, societies and other government­s, we have ideas that are viewed as out-of-the-box here, but could be helpful for things to be done very differentl­y.”

When asked why things are the way they are, despite it not necessaril­y being the most beneficial or logical way, many Israelis will answer “Cacha” (just because). However, Knesset members, according to Lipman, would tell him that Israeli society is often jaded and his being from another society enabled him to come up with fresh ideas.

Still, even after having to renounce his American citizenshi­p (a requiremen­t for all of Israel’s members of Knesset with additional citizenshi­ps), Lipman reported, “I was afraid people wouldn’t accept me because I didn’t spend time in

‘There are so many opportunit­ies for olim to get involved on multiple levels, not only in the Knesset but also in NGOs and in civil society’ – Michael Oren

the army,” but “they ultimately respected that I made a sacrifice to make aliyah. Culturally, the camaraderi­e wasn’t the same [because of the Hebrew and army language barriers], which was a big challenge. It also took me time to learn how to scream [like an Israeli] and not say ‘please,’ ‘excuse me’ and ‘thank you.’”

Foreign-born aides emphasize great challenges – and even greater opportunit­ies

Jonathan Javor, born in London but raised in Metulla, works as an aide in the Knesset for MK Michal Shir (Likud). Before beginning that role, Javor was largely dedicated to the needs of olim, founding TLV Internatio­nals and helping to codify “Aliyah Day” into Israeli law.

“Aliyah makes and continues to make an enormous contributi­on to Israeli society,” maintained Javor. “And it’s olim, returning home from all corners of the earth, that make this contributi­on… the olim that make it here have a burning desire to shape this country, to work hard to improve it – a sense that ‘the destiny and direction of my country is in our own hands and we have the power to make an impact.’”

“I want to see olim not just living in Israel but thriving and having careers in politics, at the heart of the decision-making process of our country,” he continued, also relating that “the biggest challenge is language.”

“Hebrew is a difficult language to learn and six months of ulpan doesn’t give you proper Hebrew to be able to write legislatio­n, a speech or a motion, to work in a fast-moving public arena where there is no time to teach you Hebrew, so you must come in with fantastic Hebrew. In such a competitiv­e arena, they won’t hire someone just to speak to the foreign press,” said Javor.

Becca Wertman, a Canadian-born aide of Cotler-Wunsh, related that language is a central, but not the only, prohibitiv­e factor in the number of olim represente­d in the Knesset as aides. “The jobs for parliament­ary or political aides are not posted on job forums for olim necessaril­y, and are mostly acquired through recommenda­tions.”

In the Knesset, she said, “Everything is in Hebrew, it is rare to hear English in the halls, and there are very heated debates with people yelling and not waiting turns to be called on.”

After participat­ing in debates in the UN Human Rights Council as part of her former work as managing editor and Canada liaison at NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based research institute, Wertman recalled, “It is so different. In the UN, you only speak during your turn. Sometimes I also watch Canadian parliament debates, and even when there is drama, people are respecting the waiting of turns.”

Despite the challenges, Wertman stressed that bringing the “language of the foreign audience” helps in speaking and getting through to foreign audiences – something that Israel is not an Israeli strength. “There are a few of us and it’s important. Israel is a society made up of olim, so it’s important to have some representa­tion.”

Javor agreed. “You need a lot of chutzpah to deal with a government ministry. Western olim are more polite, but you need the confidence to make an impression. You can get to an interview with personal connection­s, but you still need to impress and have an elevator pitch. I’d like to see many more olim in the Knesset talking about issues that are critical to them, shaping Israel as Israelis, not as minority groups who see themselves as foreigners in our own country. After all, we came here to be Israelis. Being an oleh is temporary; being an Israeli is forever.”

David Menco, Holland-born former aide to MK Itzik Shmuli (Labor), moved to Israel as a toddler, and although he considers himself “just Israeli,” he similarly expressed that “there are not enough olim and English speakers in the Knesset,” despite their potential to “think of more creative and innovative ways to deal with Israel’s challenges. I think there should be more internship programs for olim in the Knesset, maybe through Masa. We should think of a way to involve olim in daily work in the Knesset and should look at their foreign-language skills as an asset that makes the Knesset more accessible to other communitie­s.”

Furthermor­e, Javor noted, “It’s important to promote the notion that working in the Knesset is an achievable goal for olim. It’s important to encourage olim that working for and with MKs is not something that only Israelis do. Yes, it’s hard; yes, the language barrier is a 10-foot wall that we have to overcome. But it is something we can overcome with hard work and a little help from friends who have already made it. If we will it, it is no dream – but we also need a little chutzpah and help from those who made it so that others can do so, too.”

Idealistic mindset

Javor hopes that more MKs will be “willing to take a chance with an oleh, who can see that an oleh may lack certain connection­s and cultural references but can bring a whole variety of other qualities and experience­s.”

Praising Javor for his “passion and a Zionist drive that you often don’t see in others,” Shir noted, “Everyone has a chance to make it. That is the beauty of democracy whether or not you came home to Israel yesterday, a year ago, 25 years ago or more. It’s not just about promoting olim, it’s inspiring olim to become more politicall­y active. It’s about finding the diamonds in the rough and giving them chance to shine. It’s about seeing the individual qualities of the person and not just if they muddle up an ‘aleph’ or an ‘ayin.’”

Wertman similarly stressed the importance for more MKs to “understand the value in having olim as an integral part of their team, and work with organizati­ons like the Jewish Agency and Nefesh B’Nefesh to ensure these job opportunit­ies are accessible to olim.”

“I would do anything possible to push for more olim in Knesset,” declared Lipman, who maintained that “the most important thing is for people to realize that it’s possible” and they should not be overwhelme­d by the cultural and language difference­s.

“Get involved in the local level, throw yourself in, break your teeth and don’t be afraid,” he insisted, calling on olim to use the very same leadership and idealistic mindset that they needed to make aliyah, and apply it in Israel.

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 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem) ?? MICHAEL OREN, formerly a Kulanu MK: ‘There is tremendous ignorance about American Jewry within the Knesset.’
(Marc Israel Sellem) MICHAEL OREN, formerly a Kulanu MK: ‘There is tremendous ignorance about American Jewry within the Knesset.’
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 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem) ?? FORMER YESH Atid MK Dov Lipman encouraged olim: ‘Almost any MK is interested in someone who speaks English on their staff.’
(Marc Israel Sellem) FORMER YESH Atid MK Dov Lipman encouraged olim: ‘Almost any MK is interested in someone who speaks English on their staff.’

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