The Jerusalem Post - The Jerusalem Post Magazine

A new haunting Holocaust portrayal

Becoming a disease inspector to help Jews in Nazi prisons


Every time I finish reviewing a book about the Holocaust, I resolve, “Never again.” I will not relive, at least in my imaginatio­n, the horrors of the ultimate Jewish – or human – nightmare, ever again. And then some publisher throws a book through the transom. Maybe it’s my ever-growing senility, perhaps I’m a secret masochist. Whatever it is, I get hooked.

Irena’s War: A Novel fits nicely into that pattern. Gestapo big-wig Klaus Hauptmann comes to Warsaw to consolidat­e Nazi rule. He is a monster who one moment is loving and kind to his wife and daughter and the next is unspeakabl­y cruel to others.

Once, he went to check on German soldiers who had forced 14 Polish citizens, all profession­al people, to leave their apartments in the middle of the night and congregate outside.

Hauptmann made sure that all was done according to orders, even reprimandi­ng a soldier for not being polite to the prisoners, and then told the officer in charge to shoot them all.

Irena Sendler, a historical figure, was a Polish social worker. Her specialty was organizing food programs for the poor, helping her fellow Polish Catholics.

Hauptmann insisted she continue feeding the poor under the new regime. She agreed, but surreptiti­ously and at great personal risk, created fictitious Polish families and used the food the Nazis allocated for them to feed Jewish families, which were not eligible for food rations.

Eventually, to see the love of her life, Adam, who was imprisoned with all his fellow Jews in the ghetto and to help those wretched people, Irena became an inspector for communicab­le diseases in that open-air prison.

Her first trip to the ghetto shocked her: “There were starving people everywhere as she walked along. Worse yet were the dead. Every block there was at least one body lying on the pavement, naked except for newspapers covering them along with a thin layer of snow. The pedestrian­s ignored these corpses as if they didn’t exist, but Irena could not stop staring at them.”

She worked with the Polish Undergroun­d to save Jewish children when the Nazis decided to liquidate the ghetto and murder all its inhabitant­s.

She organized rescues of children using the sewer system to bring the kids from the ghetto to the outside, personally saving a child of a friend by taking her through the sewers. The descriptio­ns of what she and the child endured – similar to what the other guides and their groups of 10 children each encountere­d – was terrifying. She and the Undergroun­d saved 2,500 Jewish children from certain death.

Irena was betrayed, arrested and tortured at Gestapo headquarte­rs in Warsaw. The Nazis wanted the names and whereabout­s of the Undergroun­d leaders and the children. She refused.

Again, the descriptio­ns are painful to read. “Irena woke. Her eyes were puffed, and she could feel the pain in her cheeks. The fire in her legs was worse. She lay on the floor of her cell, her clothes in rags ....

“How long had she endured his [the Gestapo chief’s] torture? She couldn’t keep track of the time. Months had passed, that was certain. She had no idea how she had endured.”

I’m of two minds when it comes to history-fiction hybrids like Irena’s War. On the one hand, they bring historical epochs to life much better than scholarly accounts, and educate people who might not read about important events in history books.

But these are essentiall­y works of fiction. Because this is a novel, the author is not as obligated to stick to the truth as a historian would. After all, the main purpose of a novel is to tell a good story. Inevitably, therefore, we leave books like these with strong impression­s and ideas that may or may not be accurate.

With that said, I must admit that this is an extremely well-written, interestin­g account of a heroic woman whose exploits deserve more exposure.

Actually, “interestin­g” is not the word, “haunting” is. The images of ghetto life are so strongly constructe­d, the characters so well drawn that I found myself worrying about their survival. It was hard for me to look away. And I desperatel­y wanted to.

So, yes, fellow senile seniors and masochists, Irena’s War is for us.

The writer’s memoir, Figs and Alligators: An American Immigrant’s Life in Israel in the 1970s and 1980s (Chickadee Prince Books) can be purchased online.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? PRISON CELLS in Cologne that once housed Gestapo regional headquarte­rs. The novel tells of a heroine helping Jews escape a similar prison, after which she was tortured by the Gestapo.
(Reuters) PRISON CELLS in Cologne that once housed Gestapo regional headquarte­rs. The novel tells of a heroine helping Jews escape a similar prison, after which she was tortured by the Gestapo.

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