The Jerusalem Post

Environmen­tal advocates blast Dead Sea deal with Israel Chemicals

Erdan appeals to PM to create public committee on natural resources

- • By SHARON UDASIN (Marc Israel Sellem/the Jerusalem Post)

Environmen­tal and tourism proponents on Tuesday slammed the Dead Sea deal that the Finance Ministry made with Israel Chemicals last week.

The criticism came during a Knesset Finance Committee session being held on the issue a week and a half after the cabinet approved the deal, which stipulated that the company must pay for 80 percent of the southern basin’s full salt harvest and increase royalty payments to the government from 5% to 10%. The salt must be harvested to prevent flooding that would endanger area hotels.

The meeting also came a day after the cabinet rejected, for the second time, a comprehens­ive Dead Sea rehabilita­tion bill drafted by Adam Teva V’din (Israel Union for Environmen­tal Defense) and put forward by MK Dov Henin (Hadash). The proposed rehabilita­tion would have aided in curbing plunging water levels in the northern basin, protecting local biodiversi­ty and restructur­ing the system that manages mineral extraction.

At the meeting, Environmen­tal Protection Minister Gilad Erdan and Tourism Minister Stas Meseznikov expressed their vehement opposition to the deal, while Erdan said that the agreement with Israel Chemicals would damage the Dead Sea in the long term.

“The Dead Sea is not a bath full of minerals for the maximizati­on of profits,” Erdan added.

Henin accused the government of “abandoning the Dead Sea – environmen­tally, socially and economical­ly,” and charged that while the Dead Sea producers earned a lot of money from their enterprise­s, almost none of this reached the public.

While his rejected bill would have cost the government money up front, the future costs from the Dead Sea’s destructio­n would prove to be much greater, ENVIRONMEN­TAL PROTECTION Minister Gilad Erdan said yesterday that the government’s agreement with Israel Chemicals would damage the Dead Sea in the long term. Henin argued. Due to the low royalty rates, the agreement even encourages Israel Chemicals to expand its pumping in the northern basin, which creates serious problems – like an increase in sinkholes and other environmen­tal hazards, according to the Hadash MK.

“The Israeli government does not understand that this is a critical issue,” he said. “In the future, others will investigat­e how the state abandoned the Dead Sea to extreme deteriorat­ion for the benefit of captains of industry. And all this occurred in darkness, circumvent­ing the Knesset.”

Outside the committee session, green group Friends of the Earth Middle East expressed continued disappoint­ment with both the Israel Chemicals agreement and Monday’s decision to reject Henin’s proposal, even blaming the acceptance of the agreement for the rejection of the more comprehens­ive bill.

“This is a fatal blow to the Dead Sea,” said Michal Sagiv, project coordinato­r for Dead Sea Rescue at Friends of the Earth.

Instead of siding with the public to back a more “comprehens­ive solution” for the Dead Sea, the government chose to side with “the interests of tycoons,” she added, noting that over 16,000 Israelis had signed an online petition – backed by Friends of the Earth, Adam Teva V’din and activist organizati­on Avaaz – calling on ministers to back the bill in the past couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, in an effort to protect not only the Dead Sea but the rest of the nation’s resources, Erdan sent a personal letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, demanding the establishm­ent of a public committee focused on better protecting the country’s natural assets.

Among the committee’s responsibi­lities would be reviewing the exploitati­on of natural resources, as well as examining the payments the state and public receive from the cultivatio­n of these assets, Erdan wrote. The body would then submit its recommenda­tions.

According to Erdan, such a committee would have been relevant to last week’s approval of the Dead Sea deal, as well as many other situations in which private entities are making profits by operating their businesses using public, natural resources. The committee, he said, would include representa­tives from all the government ministries to which the subject was relevant.

“There is no justificat­ion for a subject as widespread as this, with ramificati­ons for a variety of sectors, to be investigat­ed and managed by one government­al office or another, which has no vision or understand­ing of all the interests that are affected by the exploitati­on of natural resources,” he wrote.

Nadav Shemer contribute­d to this report.

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