The Jerusalem Post

Former adviser: Obama ready to strike to stop Iran

Dennis Ross says Obama made ‘very clear’ he will use force to prevent nuclear-armed Iran


WASHINGTON (Bloomberg) – No one should doubt that US President Barack Obama is prepared to use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon if sanctions and diplomacy fail, the president’s former special assistant on Iran said Monday.

Obama has “made it very clear” that he regards a nuclear-armed Iran as so great a threat to internatio­nal security that “the Iranians should never think that there’s a reluctance to use the force” to stop them, said Dennis Ross, who served two years on Obama’s National Security Council and a year as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s special adviser on Iran.

“There are consequenc­es if you act militarily, and there’s big consequenc­es if you don’t act,” said Ross, who in a twohour interview at the Bloomberg Washington office laid out a detailed argument against those who say Obama would sooner “contain” a nuclear-armed Iran, than strike militarily.

The administra­tion considers the risks of permitting a nuclear-armed Iran to be greater than the risks of military action, said Ross, who last month rejoined the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a research group.

His comments came the day after Obama’s top civilian and uniformed defense officials said that developing a nuclear weapon would cross a red line, precipitat­ing a US strike.

“They need to know that if they take that step, they’re going to get stopped,” US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said January 8 on CBS News’s Face the Nation. On the same program, General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he has been responsibl­e for planning and positionin­g assets to be ready if ordered to take military action, challengin­g Iran’s claim that Iran – the world’s third largest oil exporter – insists its nuclear program is for civilian energy and medical purposes only.

The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency issued a report last November 8 detailing nuclear activities it said had no other use than for military purposes, bolstering the US case that Iran is seeking the capability to produce nuclear weapons even if it hasn’t yet made a decision to do so.

While some Iran analysts have suggested an alternativ­e to military strikes would be to “contain” a nuclear Iran, much as the US managed to live with a nuclear-armed Soviet Union, Ross said the analogy doesn’t translate to the situation in the Mideast. Countries in the region, he said, lack equivalent Cold War-era “groundrule­s,” lines of communicat­ion, and a protected second-strike nuclear capability, which deterred a surprise attack during Us-soviet tensions.

A nuclear-armed Iran would set off a atomic arms race among neighbors, pose a risk of proliferat­ion to other states or terrorist groups, and increase the chances of a nuclear strike resulting from miscalcula­tion, he said.

“You don’t have any communicat­ion between the Israelis and the Iranians,” he said. “You have all sorts of local triggers for conflict. Having countries act on a hair trigger – where they can’t afford to be second to strike, the potential for a miscalcula­tion or a nuclear war through inadverten­ce is simply too high.”

Ross acknowledg­ed that a military strike would have serious consequenc­es as well, including Iranian retaliatio­n, either directly or through terrorist proxies around the world, a possible effort to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, and a spike in oil prices.

Understand­ing those risks, “nobody uses military force lightly,” he said, and “nobody commits to using military force one minute before they have to.” Ross underscore­d that US willingnes­s to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons affects decisionma­king in other countries that fear Iran, including Israel and Gulf states. If the White House abandoned a pledge to stop Iran made by Obama and former US president George W. Bush before him, the US would lose all credibilit­y, he said.

“I wouldn’t discount the possibilit­y that the Israelis would act if they came to the conclusion that basically the world was prepared to live with Iran with nuclear weapons,” he said. “They certainly have the capability by themselves to set back the Iranian nuclear program.” Ross stressed he believes there is still time for diplomacy to work, as the financial pain of sanctions may yet persuade Iran to abandon its suspected nuclear weapons program.

“Force is not inevitable,” he said. “Diplomacy is still the desired means. Pressure is an element of the means.”

Coordinate­d efforts to tighten penalties, including the European Union’s preliminar­y agreement on an oil embargo, new US sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran, and pressure on Japan and South Korea to reduce their imports of Iranian oil, may finally persuade Iran’s leaders to give up the program rather than suffer a shutdown of their economy, Ross said.

The latest measures are the first “really affecting the core of their revenue, which is their sale of oil,” Ross said. Historical­ly, “when they’re really pressured, they look for ways out.”

The leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran only accepted a cease-fire with Iraq, halted the assassinat­ion of Iranian dissidents in Europe, and abandoned the enrichment of uranium in 2003 when “it wasn’t worth the cost” anymore, Ross noted.

The latest round of punishing sanctions target oil sales, which fund a majority of Iran’s government revenues, according to the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund.

Iran is “feeling pain in a much more dramatic way” than ever, Ross said.

He dismissed threats by certain Iranian officials to retaliate against oil sanctions by closing the Strait of Hormuz, through which onefifth of the world’s oil transits, as “bluster” aimed to send a message at home and abroad, as Iranian leaders vie for power in a struggle that Ross said is as intense as any since the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution.

The IAEA yesterday confirmed that Iran has begun enriching uranium to as much as 20 percent U-235 at the undergroun­d Fordow undergroun­d site near the holy city of Qom, as Iranian leaders had pledged to do last year. The site is monitored by IAEA inspectors to detect any attempt to enrich uranium to the 90% level necessary for a nuclear bomb.

“There really is no justificat­ion for it,” Ross said of the latest enrichment activities. “I don’t think there’s a whole lot of doubt that they are embarked on a program that can produce, at a certain point, weapons.”

 ?? (Ariel Jerozolims­ki) ?? DENIS ROSS
(Ariel Jerozolims­ki) DENIS ROSS

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