The Jerusalem Post

The Sa’ar saga


Education Minister Gideon Sa’ar is one of the more personable and popular among the array of politicos in our ever-boisterous arena. He is also reputed to have been good at his job. All this propelled him to the No. 2 slot on the Likud candidates list (No. 3 in the unified ticket with Yisrael Beytenu). Success often breeds enemies – first and foremost within the political sphere – but antagonist­s can also lurk in the family circle and social milieu. They can sling mud. That is the scenario painted by sources described as “close to Sa’ar” in response to a letter that alleges he conducted inappropri­ate sexual relations with an office subordinat­e. The letter, which is only initialed, indeed appears highly suspect, especially as the only woman with the given initials in Sa’ar’s work vicinity hotly denies she wrote it. Moreover, the operative request in that letter – that Sa’ar not be appointed to ministeria­l office again – speaks volumes. It imparts the impression of a vindictive motive, regardless of the facts of the matter. The letter was, additional­ly, accompanie­d by numerous SMS messages in the same vein. This smacks of an outright campaign. We of course have no independen­t means of getting to the bottom of this specific imbroglio. But this case has far wider implicatio­ns that ought to trouble our society. We are a small, insular society and the influentia­l innermost concentric circles of our society are even smaller. Any rumor is likely to spread like wildfire in these circumstan­ces, intensifyi­ng the damage. Salacious gossip mongering is a powerful weapon. At the heart of our concern is the ease with which reputation­s can be sullied. Without a direct complaint by a supposed victim, it is very hard to substantia­te any innuendo. Nonetheles­s, even the preliminar­y probe by police – an artificial term that seemingly distinguis­hes it from a full-blown investigat­ion – means delving into Sa’ar’s personal affairs to some degree or another. That in itself reenergize­s the titillatio­n that in turn makes some mud stick even without proof of malfeasanc­e. This reality is not unknown to the attorney-general who ordered the probe. He was admittedly in a tight spot. He could not avoid investigat­ion, but it was clear that any investigat­ion, under whichever moniker it went, meant attendant publicity that perforce fanned the insinuatio­ns. The media hype alone offers instant reward to whoever set out to smear Sa’ar. But our legal system is not guiltless. It was reluctant to investigat­e and then to prosecute the counterfei­ters who produced the “Harpaz Document” that targeted then-candidate for chief of the IDF General Staff, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Galant in 2010. The foot-dragging and obfuscatio­n lasted till the state comptrolle­r’s involvemen­t. To this day nobody has been tried for the forgery. This can only encourage other would-be falsifiers. It appears that they can hurl mud with impunity and that, even if the sham is eventually exposed for what it is, their victim will not survive uninjured. Careers and personal lives can both be destroyed even without a smoking gun to corroborat­e the finger-pointing. Gone are the days when even the smoking gun was ignored. Moshe Dayan, for example, proved invulnerab­le to relentless exposés of his womanizing and illicit dealings in archeologi­cal artifacts. People knew, but Dayan was a national hero, albeit a naughty one. Ours is no longer the age of heroes. Fear of defamation, gross invasion of privacy and the resultant possible disgrace in the eyes of an uncharitab­le public can dissuade the most talented and worthy of individual­s from entering the political fray. This creates a harmful process of negative selection. As things are, only candidates with extra-thick skins dare venture into the merciless political arena. The dermatolog­ically challenged stand to be defeated by the unbearable dread of stigma, even in the absence of an obvious transgress­ion. Thus the best potential leaders might be put off from running, leaving the field open only to those who had developed protective armor capable of deflecting anything. The latter are not necessaril­y the best in our midst. We all pay the penalty for this collective loss.

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