The Jerusalem Post

Equal opportunit­y, our national myth


P• By JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ resident Barack Obama’s second inaugural address used soaring language to reaffirm the United States’ commitment to the dream of equality of opportunit­y: “We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own.” The gap between aspiration and reality could hardly be wider. Today, the United States has less equality of opportunit­y than almost any other advanced industrial country. Study after study has exposed the myth that this is a land of opportunit­y. This is especially tragic: While Americans may differ on the desirabili­ty of equality of outcomes, there is near-universal consensus that inequality of opportunit­y is indefensib­le.

It’s not that social mobility is impossible – but the upwardly mobile American is becoming a statistica­l oddity. According to research from the Brookings Institutio­n, only 58 percent of Americans born into the bottom fifth of income earners move out of that category, and just 6 percent born into the bottom fifth move into the top. Economic mobility in the United States is lower than in most of Europe and lower than in all of Scandinavi­a.

Another way of looking at equality of opportunit­y is to ask to what extent the life chances of a child are dependent on the education and income of his or her parents. Is it just as likely that a child of poor or poorly educated parents gets a good education and rises to the middle class as someone born to middle-class parents with college degrees? Even in a more egalitaria­n society, the answer would be no. But the life prospects of Americans are more dependent on the income and education of their parents than in almost any other advanced country for which there is data.

How do we explain this? Some of it has to do with persistent discrimina­tion. Latinos and African-Americans still get paid less than whites, and women still get paid less than men, even though they recently surpassed men in the number of advanced degrees they obtain. Though gender disparitie­s in the workplace are less than they once were, there is still a glass ceiling: Women are sorely underrepre­sented in top corporate positions and constitute a minuscule fraction of CEOs.

Discrimina­tion, however, is only a small part of the picture. Probably the most important reason for lack of equality of opportunit­y is education: both its quantity and quality. After World War II, Europe made a major effort to democratiz­e its education systems. We did, too, with the GI Bill, which extended higher education to Americans across the economic spectrum.

But then we changed, in several ways. While racial segregatio­n decreased, economic segregatio­n increased. After 1980, the poor grew poorer, the middle stagnated and the top did better and better. Disparitie­s widened between those living in poor localities and those living in rich suburbs – or rich enough to send their kids to private schools. A result was a widening gap in educationa­l performanc­e – the achievemen­t gap between rich and poor kids born in 2001 was 30 to 40 percent larger than it was for those born 25 years earlier, the Stanford University sociologis­t Sean F. Reardon found. OF COURSE, there are other forces at play, some of which start even before birth. Children in affluent families get more exposure to reading and less exposure to environmen­tal hazards. Their families can afford enriching experience­s like music lessons and summer camp. They get better nutrition and health care, which enhance their learning, directly and indirectly.

Unless current trends in education are reversed, the situation is likely to get even worse. Government support for many state schools has been steadily gutted over the last few decades, especially in the past few years. Meanwhile, students are crushed by giant student loan debts that are almost impossible to discharge, even in bankruptcy. This is happening at the same time that a college education is more important than ever for getting a good job.

Young people from families of modest means face a Catch-22: Without a college education, they are condemned to a life of poor prospects; with a college education, they may be condemned to a lifetime of living at the brink. And increasing­ly even a college degree isn’t enough; one needs either a graduate degree or a series of (often unpaid) internship­s. Those at the top have the connection­s and social capital to get those opportunit­ies. Those in the middle and bottom don’t.

Without substantia­l policy changes, our self-image, and the image we project to the world, will diminish – and so will our economic standing and stability.

Policies that promote equality of opportunit­y must target the youngest Americans. First, we have to make sure that mothers are not exposed to environmen­tal hazards and get adequate prenatal health care. Then, we have to reverse the damaging cutbacks to preschool education, a theme Obama emphasized Tuesday. We have to make sure that all children have adequate nutrition and health care – not only do we have to provide the resources, but if necessary, we have to incentiviz­e parents, by coaching or training them or even rewarding them for being good caregivers.

The right says that money isn’t the solution. They’ve chased reforms like charter schools and private-school vouchers, but most of these efforts have shown ambiguous results at best. Giving more money to poor schools would help. So would summer and extracurri­cular programs that enrich lowincome students’ skills.

Finally, it is unconscion­able that a rich country like the United States has made access to higher education so difficult for those at the bottom and middle. There are many alternativ­es – from Australia’s incomecont­ingent student-loan program to the near-free higher-education system in Europe. A more educated population yields greater innovation, a robust economy and higher incomes – which mean a higher tax base. Those benefits are, of course, why we’ve long been committed to free public education through 12th grade. But while a 12th-grade education might have sufficed a century ago, it doesn’t today. Yet we haven’t adjusted our system to contempora­ry realities.

The steps I’ve outlined are not just affordable but imperative. Even more important, though, is that we cannot afford to let our country drift farther from ideals that the vast majority of Americans share. We will never fully succeed in achieving Obama’s vision of a poor girl’s having exactly the same opportunit­ies as a wealthy girl. But we could do much, much better, and we must not rest until we do.

This is an excerpt from the Great Divide, s series on inequality, at­r.

Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics, a professor at Columbia University and a former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and chief economist for the World Bank, is the author of “The Price of Inequality.” – © 2013 The New York Times Courtesy: The New York Times Syndicate

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