The Jerusalem Post

Spirit of Purim


Sir, – I am very concerned about the aesthetics of our historic and unique city, Jerusalem. Bungee jumping is just not in character (“Jerusalem approves bungee jumping from top of Bridge of Strings,” The Jerusalem Roast, February 24).

Why bungee jumping when there is no body of water beneath the bridge, like the Golden Gate in San Francisco? It is a risky recreation­al activity and accidents can happen. Do we want to now have, God forbid, negative associatio­ns with the bridge?

This matter should have been disclosed to the public before being approved by our athletic mayor, Nir Barkat.

The bridge is beautiful in its undisturbe­d, tranquil way. Can it not remain untouched? The whole matter is ludicrous!


Sir, – I would have thought Lady Gaga would be the last person to advise Sara Netanyahu on her fashion style (“Sarah Netanyahu turns to Lady Gaga for fashion advice ahead of Obama visit,” The Jerusalem Roast, February 24). Lady Gaga has bizarre taste in clothing.

I think the prime minister’s wife should consult with expert image consultant­s to assist her. British TV fashion gurus Trini and Susannah would be better suited and give Sara a much-needed altered image.


Sir, – Your two-page Purim section (“The Jerusalem Roast,” February 24) was very well done. However, do you imply that we should take the rest of the news completely seriously?


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