The Jerusalem Post

Tips for Netanyahu while he’s in China


A tale is told that before former US president Richard Nixon made his groundbrea­king visit to China in February 1972, secretary of state Henry Kissinger told him that Chou En-Lai, then the Chinese prime minister, was an ardent student of, and expert on, the French Revolution.

Nixon, who pocketed that piece of informatio­n, landed in China and – in an effort to break the ice with Chou – asked him what he thought the French revolution’s impact on western civilizati­on was. To which Chou replied: “It’s too early to tell.”

What is instructiv­e in that tale for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, before he begins meetings Monday morning in China, is the necessity for carefully boning up on the nuances and understand­ing well the new personalit­ies in charge.

Netanyahu has arrived in a China that is going through a once-in-a-decade leadership change, and will be meeting Chinese leaders – President Zi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang – who are just getting their footing and beginning to formulate policy.

It is clear that Netanyahu was carefully briefed about who the personalit­ies are, and how he should approach them. Here are some additional tips: Don’t lecture. China is not the US. It’s not even Europe, and Israel’s relationsh­ip with Beijing is unlike a relationsh­ip with any other country in the world, just as China is unlike any other country in the world.

When Netanyahu talks about Iran with China’s leadership, he would do well – according to officials well acquainted with Chinese political culture – to refrain from saying “you should.”

Rather, he should suffice with peppering his remarks with “we think.” The Chinese, with their massive population and the world’s largest economy, will not be lectured to by Israel, one official said.

Rather than coming to Beijing and telling them to step up sanctions on Iran, it will be more productive for Netanyahu to simply explain Israel’s perspectiv­e to the Chinese.

Rather than calling on China to draw red lines vis- à- vis China, Netanyahu would do better just to explain Israel’s red lines, and why they are there.

While the Chinese clearly do not want a nuclear Iran, they have not quite yet figured out how to keep it as a valuable buffer for them against American hegemony in the Middle East, while at the same time stopping Iran from gaining nuclear arms.

Netanyahu will want to do what he can to make the Chinese leadership look good, important, a key regional player. He will not want to surprise or embarrass them.

When expressing his views, he should make it clear that these are Israel’s positions on the issues, not Israel’s demands on China.

Highlight Israel’s close ties with the US. China’s relationsh­ip with the US is the single most important internatio­nal relationsh­ip for China, and here Israel can play a role. Israel cannot – or at least not now – provide the Chinese with any oil or energy needed for its super-charged economy, but the Jewish state is of value to Beijing because of its close relationsh­ip with Washington.

Beijing, according to Israeli sources very familiar with the relationsh­ip, appreciate­s that Israel could serve as a bridge with the US. The thinking among some in China’s leadership cadre is that Israel could be a useful interlocut­or.

Netanyahu would do well to let the Chinese understand – subtly, of course – that if China wants good relations with the US, good ties with Israel do not hurt. The relationsh­ip with Israel could also be a beneficial PR tool for China in the US. China is justifiabl­y concerned about its image abroad, frustrated that its contributi­on to the world’s economy is not sufficient­ly appreciate­d. Good ties with Israel could help its image in the US.

Carice Witte, the executive director of SIGNAL, the Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership, an institute promoting Israel-Chinese academic cooperatio­n, said that colleagues in China say there is a sense that “cultivatin­g better communicat­ion and understand­ing with Israel could contribute to a more stable USChina relationsh­ip.”

Don’t overstate the relationsh­ip with the US. Here Netanyahu is walking a tight-rope. While it is good for China to understand the close Israel-US ties, and how that can benefit them, it is not in Jerusalem’s interest for Beijing to view Israel as a US stooge.

China’s hostile relationsh­ip to Israel, from the latter’s independen­ce in 1948 to the establishm­ent of diplomatic ties in 1992, was due largely to China’s impression that Israel was a a tool of Washington.

According to Witte, “China tends to assume that in many ways, Israel is a satellite of the US. It is important that China hear from the prime minister that in fact some of Israel’s views on the Middle East are not in parallel with those of the US, and in fact are more in line with China’s.”

One example of this would be the revolution in Egypt, where China – like Israel – was not swept up in “Arab Spring” euphoria, and where Jerusalem and Beijing were much less enthusiast­ic than Washington at Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s downfall.

Realize that in China things are often not what they appear to be. Some academics working in China say that they have recently perceived a more pro-Palestinia­n position coming from some Chinese scholars.

While at first blush the reflexive Israeli reaction to this phenomenon may be to scream “gevalt,” and worry about a cold shoulder toward Israel from Beijing, a more nuanced understand­ing of Chinese reality is necessary.

China, one official said, is the land of what is known in Hebrew as hafuh al hafuh, (“the opposite of the opposite”). The public embracing of the Palestinia­ns – indeed Beijing’s invitation to Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas to come to China precisely when Netanyahu is there – may actually be because the government wants to move closer to Israel. As the official said, if China is taking a public stance against a particular issue in one area, they are often doing the exact opposite somewhere else.

For example, in the wake of Operation Pillar of Defense last November, various Chinese delegation­s to Israel were canceled, and the Chinese created the appearance it was stepping back from its ties with Israel. Three weeks later, however, the visits were reschedule­d.

A price for an increase in cooperatio­n, the type of increase in cooperatio­n that Netanyahu wants to see emerge from his visit, may be certain gestures toward the Palestinia­ns, gestures that Israel would do well not to make too much of, because these gestures could very well reflect something else entirely.

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