The Jerusalem Post

Nothing will change


Sir, – Instead of thinking of the good of our country and its Jewish people, whether religious, not religious or zealots, it seems that our worthy prime minister is joyous to have had one over on Naftali Bennett (“Yitzhak Yosef and David Lau elected chief rabbis of Israel,” July 25).

Netanyahu’s worries about being in the bad books of the haredim are more important to him than the population. Now nothing will change.

The rabbinate will carry on harming women’s rights and liberties. More youngsters will go to Cyprus rather than be forced into religious marriages. Boys and girls will continue to be educated like they’re still in a shtetl. People will not work yet expect to get money for nothing.

Men will continue to translate the Torah to suit themselves. They’ll think that sitting in a yeshiva is equivalent to protecting the country (and while they stay safe they’ll beat up haredi boys who opt to defend their fellow citizens).

Nothing has changed, just the names, yet I’m not so in love with what Israel has become.

I am not religious, and the next time I need a rabbi it will be to bury me. But if you can’t trust a rabbi, who can you trust? Doesn’t anyone else feel the way I do? JUDY GOLDIN

Kiryat Ono

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