The Jerusalem Post

Prize winner

Rabbi Aharon Lichtenste­in to be awarded Israel Prize


Rabbi Aharon Lichtenste­in will be awarded the Israel Prize in Jewish Religious Literature in May, Education Minister Shai Piron announced on Sunday. The Israel Prize committee said “his multifacet­ed work is characteri­zed by its depth, scope, its developed logic, sharp intellect, sensitivit­y and imaginatio­n. Rabbi Lichtenste­in’s work relies on the entire scope of the Torah, the Bible, the Mishnah, the Talmud, the Halacha, the Midrash and Halachic books and Jewish law.” Piron approved the recommenda­tion of the prize committee, headed by Prof. Eliav Shochetman, and offered his praise to the rabbi. Born in Paris and raised in the United States, Rabbi Lichtenste­in studied at Yeshiva University under Rabbi Joseph Dov Halevi Soloveitch­ik and later at Harvard University, where he received a doctorate in English literature. In 1971, Lichtenste­in made aliya with his family, at the request of Rabbi Yehudah Amital, and joined Amital at the Har Etzion Yeshiva in Gush Etzion where he currently serves as the dean. Lichtenste­in is widely regarded as one of the leaders of the Modern Orthodox movement and has published numerous books on all aspects of the Torah and Jewish philosophi­es. “Rabbi Lichtenste­in’s work includes a wonderful combinatio­n of knowledge in all areas of the Torah, depth of theoretica­l Talmudic thinking incorporat­ing original and creative thought while adapting to the Israeli public and dealing with the challenges of time and space,” the Israel Prize committee said. The Israel Prize is largely regarded as the state’s highest honor. It is presented annually on Independen­ce Day in a state ceremony in Jerusalem, in the presence of the president, the prime minister, the Knesset speaker and the Supreme Court president.

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(Wikimedia Commons) AHARON LICHTENSTE­IN

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