The Jerusalem Post

MK Stern threatens to establish ‘shadow rabbinate’ over conversion bill


MK Elazar Stern on Sunday threatened to establish a “shadow rabbinate” if chief Rabbis David Lau and Yitzchak Yosef do not end their outspoken opposition to a conversion bill the lawmaker is sponsoring. Addressing members of the Jewish Agency’s Board of Governors at their thrice annual gathering, Stern said if the rabbis remain intractabl­e, “we [will] establish new Orthodox institutio­ns here in Israel.” Stern’s bill would break the Chief Rabbinate’s strict, centralize­d control over conversion by allowing as many as 30 local courts composed of municipal rabbis to oversee the process, rather than the four state rabbinic courts at present. The bill recently passed its first reading in the Knesset. The Chief Rabbinate, which would see its power reduced under the measure, said it will stop cooperatin­g with the Knesset if the bill is approved, according to news reports. The Rabbinate is concerned the measure will lead to a deteriorat­ion of conversion standards. “We gave the key to enter the Jewish people to those who rejected the existence of the Jewish state,” Stern said, referring to the ultra-Orthodox stream to which both chief rabbis and many senior Rabbinate officials belong. Speaking with The Jerusalem Post following his speech, Stern explained that, in his view, it is unacceptab­le for a sector of Israeli society that rejects the authority of the rabbinate to wield its authority over others. “The haredim don’t use the rabbinate,” he said, pointing out that the chief rabbis do not represent the national-religious sector that relies on it for weddings, kashrut enforcemen­t, and other religious matters. “If [the chief rabbis] continue to object, we will do other kashrut certificat­ions and other weddings and other conversion­s” without them, he added. “It can be a shadow rabbinate.” While admitting such a move is not prima facie desirable, Stern stated it could be done and that “afterwards the government will recognize it.” “Every day that this law doesn’t pass causes assimilati­on here in Israel.” JTA contribute­d to this report.

 ?? (Sam Sokol) ?? MK ELAZAR Stern (right) addresses the Jewish Agency’s Board of Governors in Jerusalem yesterday, as agency chairman Natan Sharansky looks on.
(Sam Sokol) MK ELAZAR Stern (right) addresses the Jewish Agency’s Board of Governors in Jerusalem yesterday, as agency chairman Natan Sharansky looks on.

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