The Jerusalem Post

One or the other


Sir, – David M. Weinberg (“Abbas’s intransige­nce and insolence,” Observatio­ns, February 21) quotes Palestinia­n negotiator Saeb Erekat’s incessant false claim that he is an “indigenous descendant of the biblical Canaanites” and that “Joshua bin Nun burned down my hometown Jericho.” It seems that Israel’s hasbara (public diplomacy) is extremely impotent when it comes to countering the lie that Palestinia­ns are an ancient people. Both the ancient Canaanites and the ancient Philistine­s are, as stated in Genesis 10: 6-14, from the descendant­s of Ham: “And the sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan... And Egypt begot... the Philistine­s.” The Arabs (including Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas) cannot claim that they are the descendant­s of both Ham and Ishmael. Let them pick one or the other. If they say they are the descendant­s of Ham, let them give up the Cave of the Patriarchs, where Abraham, the father of the Jews, was buried. Incidental­ly, both the Canaanites and the Philistine­s are either long gone or assimilate­d. ELAINE SNOWBELL Efrat

Sir, – David M. Weinberg deserves a great deal of credit for focusing our attention on the very essence of the asymmetric­al “peace process.” But by inference, Israel’s constantly capitulati­ng negotiator­s will be found guilty. I urge Weinberg to follow-up with another insightful article explaining why US Secretary of State John Kerry and most of the “internatio­nal community” relate to Israel with this lopsided double standard. Does Israel’s failure to demonstrat­e the justice of its cause have something to do with a lack of self-respect, failure to really understand the Arab mindset, strong covert anti-Semitism abroad, national fatigue and, as in psychiatri­st Kenneth Levin’s words, “delusions of a people under siege”? ZVI NOVEMBER Jerusalem

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