The Jerusalem Post

The feel-good gene

Those of us who don’t have this natural bliss are more likely to be anxious and to self-medicate


Chances are that everyone on this planet has experience­d anxiety, that distinct sense of unease and foreboding. Most of us probably assume that anxiety always has a psychologi­cal trigger. Yet clinicians have long known that there are plenty of people who experience anxiety in the absence of any danger or stress and haven’t a clue why they feel distressed. Despite years of psychother­apy, many experience little or no relief. It’s as if they suffer from a mental state that has no psychologi­cal origin or meaning, a notion that would seem heretical to many therapists, particular­ly psychoanal­ysts. Recent neuroscien­ce research explains why, in part, this may be the case. For the first time, scientists have demonstrat­ed that a genetic variation in the brain makes some people inherently less anxious, and more able to forget fearful and unpleasant experience­s. This lucky genetic mutation produces higher levels of anandamide – the so-called bliss molecule and our own natural marijuana – in our brains. In short, some people are prone to be less anxious simply because they won the genetic sweepstake­s and randomly got a genetic mutation that has nothing at all to do with strength of character. About 20 percent of adult Americans have this mutation. Those who do may also be less likely to become addicted to marijuana and, possibly, other drugs – presumably because they don’t need the calming effects that marijuana provides. One patient of mine, a man in his late 40s, came to see me because he was depressed and lethargic. He told me at our first meeting that he had been using cannabis almost daily for at least the past 15 years. “It became a way of life,” he explained. “Things are more interestin­g, and I can tolerate disappoint­ments without getting too upset.” But it was also clear that he was cognitivel­y dulled by his chronic marijuana use and though it was effective in helping him control his anxiety, it impaired his ability to work. When he finally stopped using cannabis, he was markedly more alert, reactive and, alas, more anxious: “I’m definitely more alive, and sharper, but I’m more nervous and irritable, too.” Clearly, my patient had been using cannabis to effectivel­y quell his chronic anxiety, which had been immune to years of insight-oriented psychother­apy. Of course, some might argue that his use of cannabis could have rendered his therapy less effective because, the thinking goes, you can’t really work through certain psychic conflicts if you cannot tolerate being anxious. Perhaps there is some truth to this, although my patient had a surfeit of anxiety that even cannabis could not entirely eradicate. But there is another way of understand­ing my patient’s anxiety and cannabis use. The endocannab­inoid system, so named because the active drug in cannabis, THC, is closely related to the brain’s own anandamide, is the target of marijuana and has long been implicated in anxiety. It exists throughout the animal kingdom, though one would be hard-pressed to find a nonhuman animal clever – or foolish – enough to eat solely for the purpose of stimulatin­g its own receptors with cannabis. The major naturally occurring cannabinoi­d in our brain is anandamide, something our bodies synthesize. Anandamide is, aptly, taken from the Sanskrit word ananda, meaning bliss because, when it binds to the cannabinoi­d receptor, it has a calming effect. We all have anandamide, but those who have won the lucky gene have more of it because they have less of an enzyme called FAAH, which deactivate­s anandamide. It is a mutation in the FAAH gene that leads to more of the bliss molecule anandamide bathing the brain. People with the variant FAAH gene are less anxious and are thus less inclined to like marijuana. They actually experience a decrease in happiness when smoking marijuana, compared with those with the normal FAAH gene, who find it pleasurabl­e. If you naturally have more of the real thing you understand­ably have little use for marijuana. Studies show that those without the variant gene suffer more severe withdrawal when they stop using cannabis. Here, at last, is an example of a mutation that confers an advantage: lower anxiety and protection against cannabis dependence – and possibly to addiction to some other drugs, too. For example, one community-based study of almost 2,100 healthy volunteers found that people with two copies of the mutant gene had roughly half the rate (11 percent) of cannabis dependence than those with one or no mutant gene (26 percent). Obviously, there is more to abstinence than grit and moral fiber: Having a double dose of a gene mutation gives you a big advantage in being able to “just say no.” Interestin­gly, the frequency of the advantageo­us FAAH mutation differs widely among ethnic groups. According to recent data from the HapMap, an internatio­nal project that studies genetic similariti­es and difference­s in humans, roughly 21 percent of Americans of European descent, 14 percent of Han Chinese living in China and 45 percent of Yoruban Nigerians have been found to carry this gene variant. SO EFFECTIVE is cannabis in relieving unpleasant mental states and inducing happiness that it is hardly surprising that it is the most frequently used illicit drug in the United States – though it may be only a matter of time before it’s legal throughout the states. Forty-four percent of Americans age 12 and older report having used marijuana at some point during their lives, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It’s also likely that these recent cannabinoi­d findings are a small part of the larger story that is not yet totally clear. For example, there is evidence that a genetic variation in the mu opioid receptor, the target of morphine, OxyContin and other opiates, has a protective effect against opiate addiction. Still, does this cannabinoi­d mutation simply correlate with less anxiety, and less addiction to marijuana – or does it cause them? To answer that question, Dr. Francis S. Lee, a professor of psychiatry, and Iva Dincheva, a researcher, both at Weill Cornell Medical College, along with colleagues at the University of Calgary and elsewhere, took the human FAAH variant gene and inserted it into mice, where they could see the gene in action and study its specific effects. They simultaneo­usly studied a group of human subjects with the variant FAAH gene. (The study was published last week in Nature Communicat­ions.) Sure enough, these “humanized” mice that got the variant gene were less anxious, as evidenced by their spending more time in the open section of a maze. (More anxious mice, in contrast, prefer the safety of the enclosed arms of the maze.) And, just like people with this same gene, they showed similar changes in the neural circuits involved in anxiety and fear. Specifical­ly, they had greater connectivi­ty between the prefrontal cortex, the executive control center, and the amygdala, which is critical to processing fear, than the animals with the normal FAAH gene. A stronger connection between these two brain regions is known to predict lower anxiety and greater emotional control. The benefits of this cannabinoi­d mutation don’t stop there. When Lee fear-conditione­d the mice and human subjects by teaching them to associate a previously neutral stimulus with a noxious one, like a noise or electric shock, all the subjects – regardless of the genetic variant – learned the fearful associatio­ns equally well. But when he taught the same subjects that the previously dangerous cue was now safe, by repeatedly presenting this stimulus without the noxious one – a process called fear extinction – the results were startling. Both mice and humans with the cannabinoi­d mutation showed enhanced fear extinction – that is, they learned more efficientl­y how to be unafraid. So it seems that nature has designed us all to be on high alert for danger: We all learn to be afraid of new threats with equal facility. But some of us, like those with this cannabinoi­d mutation, forget about previous dangers more easily and move around in the world with less anxiety. This seems like a good deal for the species: We’re protected by those who are anx- ious and vigilant and enriched by those who are more carefree and explorator­y. Aside from insight into anxiety, these findings also suggest intriguing new therapeuti­c targets for drug abuse in general. That’s because the cannabinoi­d circuit directly influences the dopamine reward pathway, which is the shared target of commonly abused drugs, like cocaine, opiates and alcohol. Thus, it is possible that a medication that targets the endocannab­inoid system could be beneficial in treating addiction to cannabis, and other drugs, too. In a broader sense, Lee’s study has important implicatio­ns for personaliz­ed medicine. Imagine you are a soldier returning from war with PTSD. With a simple blood test looking at gene variants, we could discover whether you were biological­ly adept at fear extinction, which is essentiall­y the basis of exposure therapy for PTSD. If you had a mutation that reduced your ability to extinguish fear, your therapist would know you might just need more exposure – more treatment sessions – to recover. Or, perhaps a different therapy altogether that doesn’t rely on exposure, like interperso­nal therapy, or medication. By now you must be wondering why on earth we have cannabinoi­d receptors in our heads in the first place. In fact, they are among the most numerous receptors in our brains. And while we’re on the subject, we also have opioid receptors and nicotine receptors that are lock and key with opiates and nicotine. The body makes its own endogenous “keys” for all these receptors. As for the benzodiaze­pine receptor, the brain manufactur­es the calming neurotrans­mitter GABA, which binds very close to the benzodiaze­pine site, the place where anti-anxiety drugs like Valium and Klonopin bind. Well, if you believe in intelligen­t design (count me out), you would have to credit the creator with a really wicked sense of humor to have hard-wired our brains for such varied temptation­s, to say nothing of the fact that, neurobiolo­gically speaking, some of us are barely tempted at all. It’s all very unfair. None of these studies should be taken to mean that biology calls all the shots. Far from it. The environmen­t plays a critical role and can sometimes even trump genetics. For example, primates who are geneticall­y at low risk of drug abuse can easily be converted to compulsive drug users just by exposing them to cocaine or by putting them in crowded, stressful situations. Dr. Michael A. Nader and his colleagues at Wake Forest University discovered that monkeys, just like people, with low levels of dopamine type-2, or D2, receptors in the brain’s reward center were more likely to self-administer cocaine than those with high receptor levels. All drugs of abuse cause the release of dopamine in the reward circuit, which triggers a sense of pleasure and craving. But when he exposed the animals who were geneticall­y less prone to use cocaine, they lost D2 receptors and started to self-administer the drug just like the high-risk monkeys. Strikingly, the effect was reversible: With abstinence, 60 percent of the primates’ D2 receptor levels normalized. The clear implicatio­n is that probably anyone – regardless of genetic risk – can become addicted or abstinent in the right environmen­t. The fact is that we are all walking around with a random and totally unfair assortment of genetic variants that make us more or less content, anxious, depressed or prone to use drugs. Some people might find it a relief to discover that they had a genetic variant that made them naturally more anxious – that they were wired for anxiety, not weak – even if right now there is no exact fix. My patient benefited greatly from antidepres­sant medication and meditation. But psychotrop­ic medication­s, therapy and relaxation techniques don’t help everyone, so what’s wrong with using marijuana to treat anxiety? The problem is that cannabis swamps and overpowers the brain’s cannabinoi­d system, and there is evidence that chronic use may not just relieve anxiety but interfere with learning and memory. What we really need is a drug that can boost anandamide – our bliss molecule – for those who are geneticall­y disadvanta­ged. Stay tuned.

Some of us forget about previous dangers more easily

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