The Jerusalem Post

A few questions


While the UN, various politician­s and academia react in horror, outrage and revulsion, and denounce as “war crimes” Islamic State’s deliberate destructio­n of “un-Islamic” museums, statues and ancient sites to erase the past, I have a few questions. Where is the outrage at the deliberate, continuous and wanton destructio­n of Israel’s antiquitie­s by the Palestinia­n occupiers of east Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria? Where are the declaratio­ns of war crimes at the genocidal slaughter, mutilation, torture and enslavemen­t of Christians, Yazidis and the “wrong” sort of Muslims in Syria, Nigeria, Mali, Iraq, Libya and Pakistan? Why are there no campus resolution­s for charges of war crimes against Hamas for teaching children to hate via TV, in “training” camps and in UN-run schools that are knowingly used as storage facilities for rockets and other weapons? It seems that in the distorted looking-glass world of the UN, the EU and the academic Left, the destructio­n of ancient statues and idols with no souls comes well before the protection of modern statutes that are supposed to prevent the destructio­n of far more valuable living souls. Until the UN and others nail their colors to the mast of freedom, justice and truth, and reject the loathsome despots that currently have them in thrall, they will remain for all to see as a suppuratin­g cesspit of corruption and hypocrisy.


Harrow, UK

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