The Jerusalem Post

America’s Jews – leaking at both ends?


Recent essays such as “Bad for the Jews, Bad for America” ( Huffington Post, May 26, 2015) and “US Jewish Numbers No Longer Declining, but Demographi­c Worries Persist” ( Washington Post, June 12, 2015) raise concerns for the future of Jews in America and the world. They cite drops in the membership of “mainline” Jewish denominati­ons, relentless and growing rates of assimilati­on and intermarri­age, plus dramatic growth of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) population­s in the US and Israel.

This, plus surges in Islamic extremism and worldwide anti-Semitism, as well as Iran’s nuclear aspiration­s and stated intention to destroy Israel, are much in the public eye. One would have to be blind not to understand the existentia­l fears of a people whose total worldwide population is smaller than that of greater Los Angeles.

A rhetorical query to Jewish colleagues was: “Can the center hold?” Namely, can Modern Orthodox, Conservati­ve, Reform and other mainline denominati­ons plus committed secular Jews survive and thrive? The insightful response from one was that American Jewry is “leaking at both ends.” At the liberal end, he said, assimilati­on and intermarri­age increasing­ly pull Jews away from mainline Jewish denominati­ons while, at the conservati­ve end, dramatic growth of the haredi sector means an ever smaller proportion of Jews will emulate the cultural values that spurred disproport­ionate Jewish secular achievemen­ts.

Historians Raphael Patai, Paul Johnson and others made the case for The Enlightenm­ent, Haskalah, Reform Judaism, Napoleon’s Grand Sanhedrin and Jewish Emancipati­on as the driving forces that Patai called “nothing short of astounding.” This “as the huge reservoir of Jewish talent dammed up behind the wall of Talmudic learning was suddenly released to spill over into all fields of Gentile cultural activity.” Johnson, in turn, referred to a “shift” of Jewish “output” around 1800 that “unleashed a significan­t and ever growing proportion of Jews into secular life.” It was, he said, “an event of shattering importance in world history.”

Some years ago I explored the early 19th century beginnings and ever growing later torrent of disproport­ionate Jewish secular achievemen­ts over the past two centuries. This has been “the golden age of Jewish achievemen­t.”

Today I fear the “leaking at both ends” portends an inexorable decline of that golden age and with it, ever less commitment to the cultural values that drove the performanc­e. It will be a significan­t loss. Jewish achievemen­ts have benefited us all. Think for example of Salk and Sabin conquering polio and the important discoverie­s of the 200 Jewish Nobel laureates since 1901.

At the end of World War II and the Holocaust, Jews were four-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. Today, they are two-tenths of 1%. They sustain that level only because the remarkable growth of the haredim offsets the declines of secular, Conservati­ve, Reform, other mainline Jewish groups and denominati­ons, likely including the Modern Orthodox.

Through 2007, the astonishin­g history of disproport­ionate Jewish achievemen­t showed that Jews had won: 23% of all Nobel Prizes, 100 times their percentage of the world’s population; 51% of Pulitzer Prizes for Non-Fiction, 25 times their US numbers; 31% of the Forbes 400, 15 times their numbers; and 38% of Business Week’s Most Philanthro­pic People, 19 times their numbers. This is just the tiniest sample of their achievemen­ts. Jews led or shaped every major Hollywood studio. They did the same in American broadcast radio and television (NBC, ABC and CBS) and today they are a third of the US Supreme Court. In 624 pages, The Golden Age of Jewish Achievemen­t described the range and depth of those accomplish­ments.

Recently as I focused on why Jews are such high achievers, I evaluated 11 major theories, most of which involve nature (genetics) or nurture (culture). In doing that, I also updated results in several domains to see if the disproport­ionate performanc­e still continues.

I looked at Nobel Prizes since 2007 and found 27% of them have gone to Jews. In entreprene­urship and philanthro­py, Forbes’ March 23, 2015 issue listed the world’s 50 wealthiest people. Of them, 22 inherited their wealth or inherited great wealth and then made even more. None of them were Jews. The other 28 are all self-made and of them 10 (36%) are Jews. Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell and Michael Bloomberg are just a few of those who also donate generously to philanthro­pic causes.

One major reason for the record of disproport­ionate Jewish achievemen­t is the cultural premium Jews place on education. Two thousand years ago, rabbinic Judaism made education mandatory. In 2011, the Pew Charitable Trust documented college graduation rates among America’s major religious denominati­ons. Reform Jews with ~65% and Conservati­ve Jews with ~59% were two of the top three. Other sources indicate ~65% of Modern Orthodox Jews are also college grads. America’s average is ~28%.

Yet, while Jews continue to be disproport­ionately admitted to Ivy League schools (e.g. 26% at Harvard and Yale), it is ever less explained by their prior academic performanc­e. In 2012, Ron Unz detailed surprising recent declines in Jewish academic results. In the 1970s, Jews were 40% of those chosen for the annual Math Olympiad; since 2000 they have dropped to 2.5%. From the 1950s to the ‘80s, Jews were ~23% of the participan­ts in America’s Science Talent Search; in 2010 they were 7%. And since 1987, Jewish National Merit Finalists have declined by 35%. Unz provides extensive further data to prove his case adding that in California, where by law admissions are based more on academic merit, Jews are only 5.5% of Cal Tech’s enrollment (vs. 39% for Asians) and at the University of California’s five most selective campuses, Jews are 8% of the students.

This is consistent with declining Jewish attendance at medical schools where they were once the largest single ethnic group. Now they are eclipsed by East Indians, Chinese and other Asians. I rarely see a Jewish resident or fellow when I am at the University of California San Francisco Medical School campus.

Originally, I felt religion was probably the major force driving Jewish culture and that rising secularism would threaten disproport­ionate achievemen­t. The data, however, changed my mind. Secular Jews have phenomenal rates of disproport­ionate achievemen­t. I concluded secularism was not a major threat so long as the core cultural values I associate with most Jews remain strongly held.

As a lapsed Presbyteri­an, I am the last person who should engage in a detailed discussion of doctrinal difference­s between the various Jewish denominati­ons. But here too, my efforts yielded useful insights about the role of culture in human achievemen­t.

Haredi genetics are the same as their mostly Ashkenazi brethren, with both groups containing a small constituen­t of Sephardi genes. Any difference­s in values, life style and secular achievemen­ts can only arise because of cultural difference­s shaped mostly by religious conviction­s (nurture). A telling example is the value placed on secular education. The college graduation rate for haredi Jews is only 25%.

A 2012 New York Times story by Joseph Berger reported on the 10-year rise in the numbers of Jews in Greater New York after many years of decline. Berger’s data showed the growth was fueled largely by 230,000 Russian immigrant Jews (a one-time event) and the 115,000 increase in the haredi population. Meanwhile, the 80,000 drop in the Conservati­ve and Reform Jews was more than offset by the 127,000 rise in “nondenomin­ational Jews.”

It was startling for me to learn that because of high fertility rates among the haredim, today 74% of New York’s Jewish kids are Orthodox – most of them haredim. Berger’s story went on to say the “Hasidic population in Brooklyn, where college degrees are rare, poverty rates now reach 43 percent.”

I worry that for an ever growing proportion of America’s Jews, the Enlightenm­ent will have “never happened” or will be seen as heresy. Haskalah will not shape their values and there will be ever diminishin­g inclinatio­n toward great secular achievemen­ts with ever less potential for philanthro­py.

I hope the center holds, but today’s demographi­cs provide no basis for optimism.

The writer is the author of The Golden Age of Jewish Achievemen­t as well as his more recent book, The Debate Over Jewish Achievemen­t.

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