The Jerusalem Post

Edelstein defiant in face of UK speech protest

Knesset speaker says he’s a ‘proud settler’ • Palestinia­n envoy attacked Israeli lawmaker’s upcoming visit to Parliament


Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein remained defiant in the face of pro-Palestinia­n protests on Monday, ahead of his expected speech in the UK House of Commons next week.

“I am proud to represent the Knesset and the State of Israel, also as a settler of Judea and Samaria,” Edelstein stated.

The speaker moved late last year to Herzliya to live with Irina Nevzlin, chairwoman of the Diaspora museum Bet Hatfutsot, to whom he recently became engaged. However, he maintains his previous home in Neveh Daniel in Gush Etzion, where he spends some weekends.

“For some reason, [my place of residence] never bothered any high-ranking visitor who sat with me in the Knesset, but when it’s their territory, then out of cheap populism and trying to curry favor with extremists, they are willing to create headlines,” Edelstein added.

Edelstein thanked the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow for his invitation to speak before MPs and peers on Tuesday, at a British Group Inter-Parliament­ary Union (BGIPU) event.

Palestinia­n envoy to the UK Manuel Hassassian wrote in The Independen­t that Edelstein’s appearance in parliament would legitimize the “occupation.”

“Mr. Edelstein lives on an illegal Israeli settlement built on Palestinia­n land and he publicly opposed Palestinia­n statehood,” Hassassian wrote. “I am quite incredulou­s that Mr. Edelstein is being given a platform in Parliament itself… the self-same Parliament that only a short time ago voted to recognize the Palestinia­ns’ right to self-determinat­ion and a state of their own.”

Hassassian also came out against a recent British cabinet decision to stop “inappropri­ate procuremen­t boycotts by public authoritie­s,” including discrimina­tion against Israeli suppliers, a blow to the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Edelstein’s planned visit gained traction on social media, with pro-Palestinia­n accounts sharing a blog post from an anti-Israel website criticizin­g the BGIPU for holding the event.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? YULI EDELSTEIN
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) YULI EDELSTEIN

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