The Jerusalem Post

Heavens rejoice


In their interview with Nickolay Mladenov (“‘Daydreamin­g’ to think Israel, PA can negotiate now,” February 21), Herb Keinon and Tovah Lazaroff confronted the UN’s special envoy to the Middle East with substantiv­e, hard-hitting questions worthy of their profession.

For his part, Mladenov sounded more like Chatty Kathy, the talking doll of the 1960s. He offered a limited repertoire of fixed responses that were not exactly relevant to the questions posed. It was a broken record of “occupation,” “oppression,” “frustratio­n” and “violence,” with an occasional reference to “incitement.”

I think we all saw where this was going. MENACHEM GOREN

Petah Tikva

The heavens must be rejoicing because a high official at the UN has finally admitted that the world body mistreats Israel . Nickolay Mladenov, the UN’s special Middle East envoy, used the word “sometimes,” but any objective observer would say it has mistreated Israel many, many times.

Just as the concept of equal treatment cannot be only an abstract concept, the whole premise of the United Nations is wrong to begin with. The Security Council is dominated by the nations that are powerful and have their own interests. They do not hesitate to hypocritic­ally state that their own narrow interests serve the purpose of peace and morality.

We can now see Turkey, Russia and the United States acting according to their own interests in Syria. It is high drama every day. But no one cares about the Syrian people. This is why I am so pleased that an official of the UN has admitted to discrimina­tion against Israel, and this is why I still hope that the UN will be reborn under different rules and strategies so the world will have a chance for peace. BATYA KOENIGSBER­G


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