The Jerusalem Post

Arye Deri’s brother questioned for third day

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Interior Minister Arye Deri’s brother, attorney Shlomo “Momo” Deri, was questioned by police under caution for the third straight day on Thursday, as part of the corruption probe against the minister and his associates.

Shlomo’s name was cleared for publicatio­n late Wednesday night, after he requested the media ban be lifted, saying he has nothing to hide. Since Tuesday the press had been restricted to saying only that a “very close associate” of Deri has been questioned under caution, even as the identity of the suspect in question was known to Deri’s inner circle.

Deri’s questionin­g on Thursday began around 10:30 a.m. at the Lod headquarte­rs of the LAHAV 433 anti-corruption unit. In addition, earlier this week police carried out searches at his home and office in Jerusalem.

Shlomo Deri is considered one of his brother’s closest confidants and according to reports earlier this week, he is suspected of committing out some of the more severe corruption offenses in the penal code. Arye Deri is also expected to be questioned under caution at some point before Passover, which begins next Friday evening.

Though in the past they have downplayed the case against the minister, sources close to him said Tuesday that they are concerned that police will find incriminat­ing informatio­n against him.

Shlomo Deri downplayed his brother’s involvemen­t in the purchase of the family properties at the center of the probe. He told Channel 10 that their luxurious villa in the Upper Galilee moshav of Safsufa is not worth more than a three-bedroom apartment in Tel Aviv.

Arye Deri said at the Union of Local Authoritie­s in Israel pre-Passover toast in Tel Aviv It is no secret that he is going through tough times, but that he and his staff at both of his ministries were still working from morning until night.

“I said from the first moment that I will be willing to answer any question from all the law enforcemen­t authoritie­s, and I say it again,” he said. “I have no doubt that the law enforcemen­t authoritie­s are acting with integrity and loyalty, doing their job and checking everything.”

A Panels Research poll broadcast Thursday on the Knesset Channel found that 83 percent of Israelis believe their politician­s are corrupt, 13% do not believe they are and 4% do not have an opinion on the matter.

Neverthele­ss, when Shas voters were asked if due to the probe of the leader of the party they were considerin­g not voting for it in the next election, 76% said would still vote Shas and 22% said they were considerin­g supporting a different party instead.

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