The Jerusalem Post

Paris should learn from New York

- The author served as deputy foreign minister and a member of Knesset for Yisrael Beytenu. He was ambassador to the United States from 2002 to 2006. • By DANNY AYALON

Last Friday, the government of France hosted a summit in Paris on the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict. Attending this summit were dozens of foreign ministers from North America, Europe and the Arab world, as well as the president of France and the secretary-general of the United Nations. Not invited were the government­s of Israel and the Palestinia­n Authority, and that’s like not inviting a bride and groom to their own wedding.

Israel rightfully opposed this summit from the start, saying that the only way to achieve peace is through direct negotiatio­ns between the two parties without preconditi­ons. Indeed, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly said that he is willing to clear his schedule to meet face-to-face with Palestinia­n Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. But instead, the PA rejected the prime minister’s offer, with Palestinia­n Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki saying earlier this year that his government “will never go back and sit again in direct Israeli-Palestinia­n negotiatio­ns.” The Palestinia­ns chose to instead support the idea of this Paris summit and thus bypass direct negotiatio­ns.

They did so knowing that the summit would be biased in their favor and would ignore the Israeli side to the story. And how right they were.

In the official statement that was released from the summit, there was no mention of Palestinia­n terrorism and incitement, no mention of two states for two peoples, and no mention of previous Palestinia­n rejections of Israeli peace offers. Instead, the statement only mentions the so-called “settlement activity” and “Israeli occupation.”

This biased statement clearly proves that the French government is not capable of being an honest broker in the Middle East peace process. Any honest broker would address the situation on both sides, not just on one side as this statement wrongly did. But perhaps most important of all, the statement from the summit failed to condemn, denounce or even acknowledg­e the ongoing Palestinia­n attempts to delegitimi­ze Israel, the Jewish people and our right to self-determinat­ion in our eternal homeland.

The continued demonizati­on of Israel black woman in Minnesota who claimed Jews were racists the paper refused to publish it.

He found a similar reaction in Britain. He presented some of his American findings at Limmud, Britain’s annual Jewish educationa­l gathering. The audience, he writes, went ballistic. How dare he say there was so much racism in America, they cried! How dare he say American Jews were self-hating! Then they disinvited him from his remaining planned presentati­on.

The reason Tenenbom has such difficulty is that Diaspora Jews, often outwardly seeming so confident, are in fact profoundly afraid. What are they afraid of? They are afraid of the truth.

Tenenbom holds up a mirror they want to smash. It shows them a reflection of the deep prejudice in English-speaking society against Israel and the Jews, a prejudice many Jews want to deny and that too many themselves dismayingl­y share.

One of the ugliest truths Tenenbom unmasks is the succor given to Jew-hatred by so many Jews on the Left. And Jews on the Left tend to be disproport­ionately represente­d in the publishing world.

Tenenbom tells truths that liberals, including liberal Jews, try to airbrush away. He sees Jews everywhere craven and cringing, trying to hide their Jewishness. He says so. And for that they will not forgive him.

Melanie Phillips is a columnist for The Times (UK). didn’t cause any of the participan­ts to raise the question of the PA’s commitment to peace. On the contrary, many of the world leaders attending this summit have actually extended support to this movement, such as Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, who said just last week that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement should be “protected by the freedom of expression.” Similarly, Irish Foreign Minister Charles Flanagan said just a few days ago that BDS “is a legitimate political viewpoint.”

These statements are troubling, and only deepen my belief that the participan­ts in the Paris summit will be biased against Israel in this new attempt by France to bring about a solution to the conflict. Any leader who fails to call out the haters who demonize the Israeli people has no right to be involved in brokering the Middle East peace process. Rather, the mediator of this conflict should be someone who speaks out against hate speech, wherever it is. The only leader to recently take such action against the demonizers and their delegitimi­zation campaign was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who issued an executive order against the injustice of BDS earlier this week after which he said, “If you boycott Israel, then New York will boycott you.”

Cuomo is the first governor in all of the United States to issue such an executive order. In doing so, he is sending a clear message of truth to all those who seek to delegitimi­ze Israel and to all those who refuse to condemn this delegitimi­zation. Unlike those who participat­ed in the Paris summit, he has taken a strong stand against BDS, affirming that this movement doesn’t constitute free speech, but hate speech. The participan­ts in the Paris summit could learn a thing or two from the governor of New York, and it would only be fair of them to heed his words of wisdom on this important matter.

 ?? (Adrees Latif/Reuters) ?? NEW YORK State Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks in New York City in April.
(Adrees Latif/Reuters) NEW YORK State Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks in New York City in April.
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