The Jerusalem Post

IDF to release imprisoned conscienti­ous objector

Military: Kaminer is unfit for duty • Kaminer: This is a small victory that allows me to become a free human being


The IDF discharged a 19-year-old conscienti­ous objector from service on Thursday, after a lengthy period in military prison.

The military cited “a lack of compatibil­ity and poor, severe conduct” in its decision to release Tair Kaminer. The decision came after the military rejected in June a request by Kaminer for release, and three days after a military committee rejected her applicatio­n for conscienti­ous objector status.

The 19-year-old is serving in Military Prison No. 6 for refusing military service. The prison sentence, which began on January 10, is the longest for a woman refusing to be drafted into the military.

In a statement delivered from prison, Kaminer, “This announceme­nt, which has arrived after a struggle of more than seven months, is moving from a personal point of view, and is perhaps a small victory that will allow me to go back to being a free human being. But the bigger struggle is not over my imprisonme­nt, but over the oppression of the Palestinia­n people, a struggle for the freedom, equality, security and peace of both peoples.”

Kaminer added, “Throughout the TAIR KAMINER will be released from Military Prison No. 6 six months after declaring herself a conscienti­ous objector. It is the longest sentence ever for a woman refusing to be drafted. many detentions, the girls in prison kept on asking me: How do I do it? I always explained how much strength it gives you to know that you’re doing something you believe in, that you’re part of an important struggle, that you’re not acting alone, and that you believe you can make a change.”

According to the Mesarvot organizati­on, which describes itself as a new network of conscienti­ous objectors and NGOs, Kaminer was imprisoned alongside with Omri Baranes, an 18-year-old pacifist from Rosh Ha’ayin, who is now serving her third prison term.

Kaminer and Baranes join hundreds of Israeli objectors who chose to avoid military service,” Mesarvot said.

Yasmin Yablonko, activities coordinato­r at Mesarvot, added, “Tair asked to be released on grounds of conscience, since the very act of serving in the army is, for her, taking part in the crimes of the occupation. The fact that it was decided to release her just a few days after her request was denied, proves that the army essentiall­y acknowledg­es her conscienti­ous choice, but is afraid of creating a legal precedent.”

Bernard Ellouk contribute­d to report this

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