The Jerusalem Post

Obama: US must improve probes of police use of force


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that more must be done to build trust that police violence against blacks and Hispanics will be properly investigat­ed.

“We’re going to have to do more work together in thinking about how we can build confidence that after police officers have used force, particular­ly deadly force, that there is confidence in how the investigat­ion takes place and that justice is done,” Obama said after a meeting with activists, lawmakers and law enforcemen­t leaders.

Obama said there might be a need to develop a set of practices to ensure that investigat­ions are carried out effectivel­y and fairly for all parties involved.

The meeting on Wednesday focused on how to bridge the divide between police officers and the black and Hispanic communitie­s after a series of high-profile police killings of black men in the past two years sparked angry protests throughout the country.

Obama has called for the country to come together and not give in to despair and division after the shooting deaths of five police officers in Dallas and the police killings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.

He laid out a series of steps that could help to improve relations between law enforcemen­t and communitie­s, including improving data collection and updating police training practices.

Attendees at the meeting included Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, the president of the National Associatio­n of Police Organizati­ons, Michael McHale, and leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement.

A White House task force released a report last year recommendi­ng various reforms for local law enforcemen­t in the United States, but Obama said more action is needed.

“What’s been apparent is that it’s not enough just for us to have a task force, a report and then follow up through our department­s, we have to push this out to communitie­s so that they feel ownership for some of the good ideas that have been floating around this table,” he said.

 ?? (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) ?? US PRESIDENT Barack Obama hosts a conversati­on at the White House on Wednesday on community policing and criminal justice.
(Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) US PRESIDENT Barack Obama hosts a conversati­on at the White House on Wednesday on community policing and criminal justice.

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