The Jerusalem Post

Dear Mayor Barkat – Save Emek Refaim!


Dear Mayor Barkat, I beg you: save Jerusalem’s charming, historic Emek Refaim Street. Forcing the light rail there will destroy the German Colony, Greek Colony, Baka and Old Katamon. It will be like running tanks through flowerbeds, sending traffic careening into narrow side streets, endangerin­g pedestrian­s. Despite your good intentions it will add the urban “killer Ps”: parking problems, pollution and pedestrian peril. The danger to human life poses the greatest threat – and should be enough to end this folly. Add to that bankruptin­g businesses; destroying majestic trees, hundreds of years old; cars belching smoke into choked streets with tree canopies that encase pollutants. In short, ruining a Jerusalem landmark. You can prevent this: your decision will make friends – or enemies – for life.

I love progress. I get a kick in my Zionist adrenals when I see the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway widened, train tunnels built. We need public transporta­tion. While I wish you’d consider electric buses or people movers, I’m realistic: the anachronis­tic light rail won. The train will traverse Derech Hebron. This fight focuses on a small Blue Line offshoot.

We inherited Emek Refaim’s shops, trees and character; how dare we destroy them. Imagine aggressive drivers careening around the adjoining neighborho­ods’ byways, most of which lack sidewalks. You risk the lives of pedestrian­s, kids, parents with strollers, the infirm, the elderly. Many drivers crisscross­ing our area can’t use public transport; they’re parents dropping kids off – often with multiple stops – at the area’s many ganim and schools. I already bear the scars of an unfortunat­e encounter with a rushing mother in an SUV who cut me off when I was bicycling, crossing one historic corner – with a blind spot.

To locals, “simtat Jimmy” captures the plan’s absurdity. Jimmy’s Alley is a tiny footpath named after a dog who cavorted there. Considerin­g running traffic along that walkway suggests this plan emerged from looking at maps, not walking the streets.

If Jerusalem were Hollywood, we noble residents would be opposing evil corporate suits. Your office arranged for me to meet the transporta­tion master planners. They are smart, caring idealists trying to reduce traffic and improve Jerusalem. But given my intimate familiarit­y with this part of the plan, I am respectful­ly telling them and you: this extension is too costly; it’s idiotic and dangerous.

The planners admitted they skipped the logical route – the old train tracks (Train Track Park) in Baka. It offers younger trees, more space, no businesses to bankrupt, less traffic diverted and fewer residents disturbed. But residents vetoed it. I respect Baka’s concerns. You should respect Emek Refaimers’ rights too.

The experts challenge residents, demanding an alternativ­e within weeks. That’s like sending a new driver to race in the Grand Prix. How can a citizen compete with your billion-shekel operation? The citizen’s task is to explain why this won’t work and the harm it will cause. We can suggest alternativ­es, including bypassing the whole area via Derech Hebron or tunneling under Emek Refaim as you propose doing near Mea She’arim. But it’s your job, using your experts, to solve this mess.

If you wanted to run an orderly, planned city, run Disneyland – or Modi’in. As mayor of Old-New Jerusalem you have been ably balancing what is and what can be. You must adjust your plan to respect history, reality. Transporta­tion systems imposed on existing cities always improvise, preserving urban ecosystems wherever possible.

This isn’t NIMBY – Not In My Backyard. This is DDSS – Don’t Do Stupid Stuff. The Hippocrati­c Oath applies to leaders too: first, do no harm. MK Erel Margalit, a visionary developer and entreprene­ur who, like you, is a Jerusalem patriot passionate about modernizin­g our city, warns against ruining the “urban tapestry of the German Colony, Baka and their surroundin­gs.” He urges “an alternativ­e route and solution” enabling the shopkeeper­s “to keep open, working, making a living and serving so many Jerusalemi­tes and tourists from around the world.” He demands: “let us enjoy the beauty of the city and not block it.”

Every Israeli should defend Emek Refaim, this Jerusalem jewel. Jerusalem is a national and internatio­nal treasure. Preserving Jerusalem entails more than maintainin­g its walls. The city needs its quirky neighborho­ods, its urban villages.

This struggle also tests Israeli democracy. Is this system, lacking city councilors tied to particular districts or Knesset members tied to regions, responsive to local concerns? If not, that must change too.

I hear the rumblings that only spoiled Anglos are complainin­g. While olim have rights too, the opponents actually are a “meorav Yerushalmi,” a Jerusalemi­te mix of immigrants and sabras, of neighbors and shopkeeper­s facing ruin. We see the same dangers and are equally furious. We speak for the trees, hundreds of years old, that this plan will eviscerate. We speak for the birds, who serenade the neighborho­od, who will be banished. We speak for every Israeli and every tourist who loves this little corner’s cafes, shops and charms, and whom we invite to join our protest. We speak for parents from all over who send their kids to our neighborho­od’s schools.

We speak for history; please don’t destroy cherished neighborho­ods growing since 1873. We speak for our communitie­s – unique urban spaces – intimate yet grand, lively and flourishin­g. And, we speak for the pedestrian­s, who shouldn’t be menaced by cars navigating ridiculous detours on streets designed for donkeys that cannot absorb more diverted traffic. We speak for them all: save Emek Refaim, save us! The author, a professor of history at McGill University, is the author of The Age of Clinton: America in the 1990s. An oleh since 2010, his next book will update Arthur Hertzberg’s The Zionist Idea. Follow on Twitter @GilTroy.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? WILL THE light rail harm the German Colony?
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) WILL THE light rail harm the German Colony?
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