The Jerusalem Post

Internatio­nal funding of salaries to terrorists

- • By ALAN BAKER (Reuters)

There has been considerab­le media coverage of the channeling of internatio­nal donor funding to pay salaries of Palestinia­n terrorists serving sentences for acts of terrorism.

This practice raises serious legal and moral questions, especially inasmuch as it clearly violates Palestinia­n commitment­s in the Oslo Accords not to finance or encourage terrorism. Channeling funds to pay terrorist salaries would also appear to run counter to internatio­nal counter-terrorism convention­s and resolution­s of the UN Security Council as well as national legislatio­n prohibitin­g the use of funds for those involved in terrorist activity.

The funding comes from foreign government­s (principall­y the US, UK, Denmark and other EU countries) to the Palestinia­n Authority (PA) and the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on (PLO). While ostensibly the funding is intended to assist the Palestinia­n institutio­ns in their day to day governance, in fact considerab­le amounts of these funds are used for the purpose of payment of salaries and other benefits to Palestinia­ns imprisoned for acts of terrorism, and to their families.

In light of criticism by the donor government­s, emanating from the fact that donor funding of prisoners’ salaries and family benefits is perceived to be rewarding terrorism, efforts were made by the PA to conceal direct funding by transferri­ng money to the PLO, which is the umbrella Palestinia­n representa­tive body. The PLO, in turn, uses these funds for payment of salaries and benefits to the prisoners and their families.

This situation is a clear violation both of the Oslo Accords between the PLO and Israel, witnessed by the US, EU and other internatio­nal authoritie­s, as well as a violation of internatio­nal law and UN resolution­s adopted specifical­ly to counter terrorism funding.

The Oslo Accords and their related documents, signed between the Palestinia­n leadership and Israel between 1993 and 1999, constitute the accepted and recognized framework that determines all aspects of the Israeli-Palestinia­n relationsh­ip. The PA is the subordinat­e governing body establishe­d by Israel and the PLO in the Oslo Accords for the purpose of administer­ing the areas and implementi­ng the powers and responsibi­lities transferre­d to it by Israel. It was establishe­d only for the purpose of administra­tion and governance, and its responsibi­lities are limited solely to this sphere. It is prohibited from conducting foreign relations or signing agreements or doing anything that does not relate to the internal governance of the areas under its jurisdicti­on. As such, the PA is nothing more than a “creature of the PLO-Israel agreements.”

In the Oslo Accords the PLO is formally committed to combat all forms of terrorism, violence and incitement. This commitment appears both in an exchange of letters between PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, dated September 9, 1993, as well as in the various agreements signed between them, and specifical­ly the 1995 Israeli-Palestinia­n Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, signed at Washington DC.

The Oslo Accords limit the use of funds donated by foreign government­s to implementi­ng arrangemen­ts for assistance to the PA in the fulfillmen­t of its functions. Accordingl­y, transfer by the PLO of donor funding for payment of salaries to terrorists in prison runs solidly counter to PLO obligation­s vis-àvis Israel, the US, the EU and the other signatorie­s who witnessed the agreements. By the same token, transfer of such donor funds by the PA as the subordinat­e, implementi­ng authority constitute­s no less a violation of the Palestinia­n obligation­s.

In internatio­nal law and practice, the issue of financing terrorism has consistent­ly figured as a major and central component of internatio­nal terrorism. Hence, a series of internatio­nal and regional treaties and UN resolution­s have been adopted over the years to prevent terrorism financing, especially inasmuch as it constitute­s a form of encouragem­ent and support, both moral and material, for terrorism.

The 1994 UN Declaratio­n on Measures to eliminate Internatio­nal Terrorism calls upon states to refrain from organizing, instigatin­g, facilitati­ng, encouragin­g, tolerating and financing terror activities.

Similarly, the 1999 Internatio­nal Convention for the Suppressio­n of the Financing of Terrorism criminaliz­es the provision of funding, directly or indirectly, for any use connected with terrorism.

Regional counter-terrorism instrument­s obligating member states to act against the financing of terrorism include the 2002 Inter-American Convention against Terrorism, which contains a specific provisions detailing measures to prevent, combat and eradicate the financing of terrorism, seizure and confiscati­on of funds or other assets.

The landmark, obligatory UN Security Council Resolution 1373, adopted following the 2001 World Trade Center attacks, recognized “the need for States to complement internatio­nal cooperatio­n by taking additional measures to prevent and suppress, in their territorie­s through all lawful means, the financing and preparatio­n of any acts of terrorism.” It obliged states to cooperate in combating internatio­nal terror and criminaliz­ed all provision of funding for terrorist use, determined a freeze on and prohibitio­n of transfer of funds and assets of persons who commit terrorist acts.

Clearly the use of internatio­nal funds for the purpose of paying the salaries and benefits of terrorists serving prison sentences for acts of terrorism is the very antithesis of any bona fide, positive internatio­nal action to encourage peace and stability in the Middle East.

It runs against the very spirit of the counter-terrorism policies of the very states making the contributi­ons, as well as against their active involvemen­t in the Israeli-Palestinia­n peace process.

In light of the above, it is clear that the use of internatio­nal funds for the purpose of paying the salaries and benefits of terrorists serving prison sentences for acts of terrorism is a violation both of the specific Palestinia­n obligation­s pursuant to the Oslo Accords and accepted norms encapsulat­ed in internatio­nal legal instrument­s, including the 1999 UN Convention for the suppressio­n of the financing of terrorism and the 2001 UN Security Council resolution to combat internatio­nal terrorism.

The author served as the legal counsel of Israel’s foreign ministry and Israel’s ambassador to Canada. He was involved in the negotiatio­n and drafting of peace treaties and other documents in the peace negotiatio­n process. He presently serves as director of the Institute for Contempora­ry Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

 ??  ?? POSTERS OF Palestinia­n ‘martyrs’ on a wall in Nablus.
POSTERS OF Palestinia­n ‘martyrs’ on a wall in Nablus.

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