The Jerusalem Post

Swiss-based tribunal backs Russian Olympic ban


Sport’s highest tribunal rejected on Thursday Russia’s appeal against a doping ban for its entire athletics team from the Rio Olympics starting in 15 days’ time, drawing swift and angry condemnati­on from Moscow.

The decision by the Swiss-based Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport (CAS) increases the possibilit­y that the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee (IOC) will now exclude Russia from all sports, not just track and field, in Rio de Janeiro.

That would mark the deepest crisis in the Olympic movement since the US and Soviet boycotts of the 1980s, and would be a grave blow to a nation that prides itself on its status as a sporting superpower.

“CAS rejects the claims/appeal of the Russian Olympic Committee and 68 Russian athletes,” CAS said in a statement that backed the right the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Athletics Federation­s (IAAF) to suspend the Russian athletics federation.

Russia is one of the world’s foremost sporting powers which won the third biggest overall medal haul at the last summer Olympics in 2012 – though some of those results are now in question because of doping suspicions.

Double Olympic champion pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva called the decision “the funeral of athletics.”

“Now let all these foreign pseudo-clean sportspeop­le sigh with relief and win their pseudo-gold medals in our absence,” Isinbayeva wrote on Instagram. “They have always feared [our] strength.”

The ban on Russia’s track-and-field team going to Rio was imposed last November by the IAAF after an independen­t report uncovered rampant state-sponsored doping in Russian athletics. It was maintained in June after the IAAF Council ruled that not enough progress had been made in transformi­ng Russia’s anti-doping program.

Russia had argued it had taken steps to clean up the sport, and that the blanket ban was unfair to individual athletes with no record of doping.

Russian officials, and many ordinary people in the country, have interprete­d the doping allegation­s as part of a conspiracy inspired by Western government­s who fear Moscow’s growing influence.

A spokeswoma­n for the Russian Foreign Ministry called the court decision “a crime against sport.”

With its decision, the court was “absolutely violating the rights of clean athletes, creating a precedent of collective responsibi­lity,” Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said in comments televized on state channels.

The ball is now in the court of the IOC to decide whether Russia should be excluded from all sports at the Rio Games, starting on August 5.

Pressure on the IOC to take such a step increased this week after another report commission­ed by the World Anti-Doping Agency revealed evidence of systematic state-sponsored doping by Russian competitor­s before and during the 2014 Winter Olympics in the Russian city of Sochi.

The IOC’s executive committee met to discuss the issue on Tuesday and though it condemned the activities and started disciplina­ry proceeding­s against many of those involved, it postponed any announceme­nt on a possible blanket ban pending legal advice and the outcome of the CAS hearing.

The IOC is expected to reach a final decision on Sunday.

The IAAF said it was pleased that CAS had supported its stance.

“While we are thankful that our rules and our power to uphold our rules and the anti-doping code have been supported, this is not a day for triumphant statements,” IAAF president Sebastian Coe said. “I didn’t come into this sport to stop athletes from competing. It is our federation’s instinctiv­e desire to include, not exclude.”

Sergei Litvinov, a hammer thrower who was chosen for the Russian Olympic team, said his father had failed to make the 1984 Games when the Soviet Union boycotted the Los Angeles event because of Cold War tensions.

“The funniest thing is that right now I am on my way to Moscow to receive my Russian team sports kit. What a paradox,” Litvinov said. (Reuters)

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